Política nuclear - page 85

Nicho/as Ch1Jssafopoulos
easier exploitation oí solar energy, since this development will not
be hampered by the need to modiíy existing installations in Q·rder
to accommodate the needs oí a solar energy system. AH this, oí
course, assumes the availability oí money the less complicated the
system the less money is needed. In íact, there are simple solar de–
vices that can be used in small rural areas. The problem would
be to keep people in small rural areas, make their life more com–
fonable and not force them, indirectly, to esclpe to the big ótiéS
with the hope that they will find a better, more comfortable life
something that very seldom happens.
The timing of the development of such renewable energy sources
-and the money needed- is the big question. Who wilI do it, and
how and when? The following quotation írom a report on an
energy symposium is significant: "The best papers were on how
the coming generations would secure the energy required. Resour–
ces considered with big concern for adequacy of supply were coa1,
oil, natur.al gas, wind, tide, and solar power. Of great interest was
that solar energy which beats on the Sahara Desert daily represents
the equivalent of six billion tons oí coal". The report was írom the
annual meeting of the Arr,erican Chemical S<Oóety heId in 1921.
Of course, there is also nuclear energy, one of the subjets discus–
sed in this seminar. AH one needs for its development is a suffident
supply of enriched uranium, an ;ample supply c·f cooling water
water does not exist in adequate quantities, dry systems are now
available), and, of course, money. As the efforts for the deve1op–
ment oí the next generation of nuclear reactors reach a fruitful
conclusion, this energy source will be almost .endless, .and virtual1y
The need for money and availability of raw material being como
mon in all of these alternate energy sources, it is worthwhile to see
how each one effects the .environment.
Energy generatíon from solar, wind and tide sources has the least
adverse effect on the environment. Biogas generation, if not control–
led properly, may contamina te water supply sources.
The burning
oil and coal, especially coal, may have the high.
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