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Historia hispanoamericana
Todos los libros
Historia general de los hechos de los castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del mar oceano: decada cuarta al rey nuestro señor
The Narrative of the honourable John Byron (commodore in a late expedition round the world): containing an account of the great distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coasts of Patagonia, from the year 1740, till their arrival in England, 1746 : with a description of St. Jago de Chili, and the manners and customs of the...
Memorias históricas sobre la legislación, y gobierno del comercio de los españoles con sus colonias en las Indias Occidentales
Istoria ò breuissima relatione della distruttione dell'Inde Occidentali di Monsig. Reverendiss Don Bartolomeo dalle Case, o Casaus, Siuigliano Vescouo di Chiapa Citta Regale nell' Indie.: Conforme al suo vero originale Spagnuolo, gia stampato in Siuiglia. Con la traduttione in italiano di Francesco Bersabita. Dedicata all' Amicitia
Vol. I
Present state of the spanish colonies: including a particular report of Hispañola or the Spanish part of Santo Domingo ; with a general survey of the settlements on the south continent of America, as relates to history, trade, population, customs, manners ; with a concise statement of the sentiments of the people on their relative situation to the mother country