Política nuclear - page 173

Ambassador D.W. Fulford
Embajador del Ca:l;:1dá en la Repúblic;> Argentina
Canada has given a hígh priority in its international p<>licy to pre–
venting the spread of nuclear weapons. To understand Canadian
policy it ís necessary to take into account its' geographical position,
political traditions and domestic nuclear capability.
2. Canada has developed a successful nuclear reactor system based
upon use of natural uranium and heavy water as a moderator.
During the second world war Canadian sdentists worked along with
scientists of Britain and the
in the development of a nuclear
fission capability. Canada concentrated on development of a heavy
water maderated reactor for the production of plutonium. After
the end of the war it was decided to coiltinue with the programme
but dedicate
to the develapment al a cÍvilian electric pawer re–
actor. Heavy water was the most efficient moderator available and
the ane which would allow use of natural uranium without the
need for power intensive and highly expensive enrichment, that is
ísotope separatíon, to raise the proportion af U235 naturally found
in uranium. A research and development
which has
extended for over thírty years has allowed Canada to create what
may be the world's most efficient reactor system, certainly the sys–
tem which gives the greatest power return from uranium without
reprocessing. The use of pressure tubes also allows the on power
relueIling o,{ reactors, and, thus, the avoidance of costly shut downs.
3. The Canadian reactor system has been used in recent years in
Ontarío for its incremental base load requirements and over this
past winter more than 20% of OntarÍo power was provided by
nuclear reactors. New Brunswick and Quebec are currently build–
ing reactors and others provinces are expected to follow suite when
they have exh:msted available hydro power.
4. An attraction in the use of natural uranium is the widespread
availability of uranium in Canada. Canada is one of the world's
major uranium producers and has substantial volumes available for
export after setting aside supplies to meet Canadian domestic re-
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