In conclusion as we move into the 21
century it is clear that the current
situation is unsustainable. The research environment has become much
more nimble and innovative than the ethics frameworks that are being
applied to it. While we need to remain true to the original issues first
surfaced in the Nuremberg Code, it is important that we find ways for
research ethics and governance of human subjects research to be as nimble
and responsive to new challenges. There is simply no point in blaming
under resourced, under supported, and under appreciated research ethics
board members who are now toiling with greater complexity of research
with very few tools and support in terms of continuing education or rec-
ognition for their work. However, it is also clear from the discussion of
concerns with research integrity that researchers cannot be unaccountable.
Many of the key issues in research integrity, as documented earlier, would
not have been caught by any current oversight mechanism currently in
place. Hence there is much to be gained by a focus on legitimating the
scholarly dimensions of research ethics and by engaging researchers and
research ethics boards and people concerned with the modern task of re-
search in the common goal of enhancing its integrity and quality. Only
by collective effort and solidarity will the process and fruits of research be
achieved in a manner that is ethically appropriate.
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variation in ethics committee requirements: comparisons across five
Westernised nations.
BMC Med Ethics
2002 Apr 19; 3: E2.
Maskell NA, Jones EL, Davies RJ. BTS/MRC MIST steering committee
Variations in experience in obtaining local ethical approval for participation
in a multi-centre study.
2003 Apr; 96(4): 305-307.
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