Política nuclear - page 147

which started functioning in 1957,
1957 and
the European Nuclear Energy Agency
in 1958. In 1959
the Inter·American Nuclear Energy Commission
was also
launched through adoption of its statute by the Council of the
The cooperation within
should also be mentioned.
has worked closely for many years and is the one multilateral inter–
governmental cooperative effort which has gone into the produc–
don sector.
It is of course difficult to give a shon and concise description of
the tasks of these intergovernmental organizations as they were set
up to meet complex requirements and with far·reaching programo
mes. It is important to remember that
the beginning had limited memberships of industrialized countries.
in the beginning, concentrated on information exchange in
the nuclear research area, on joint projects and on questions related
with the safety of nuclear installations and the management and dis–
posal of nuClear wastes.
had a different character as it
was a supra-governmental rather than intergovernmental organiza–
tion. It was given the following major tasks; tO develop research
and assure the dissemination of information in the nuclear area, to
establish uniform safety standards in its Member States, to serve as
a suppIy agency for nuclear minerals and materials, and to safe–
guard against non-authorized users of that fuel materials.
The history of the
goes back
Presidente Eisenhower's
"Atoms for Peace" speech in the United Nations in which the pro–
posed new authority was seen as a truly international organization
encompassing all peaceful uses of nuélear power of atomic energy
and their regulatíon. That the time and conditions were ripe is
shown by the broad support, East-West and North-South which the
proposal received. Anicle 2 of the Agency's statute describes the
objectives of the Agency "to accelerate and enlarge the con tribu–
tion of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout
the world"_ The Anicle continues:
shall ensure, so far as
able, that assistance provided by
or at its request or under its
supervision or control, is not used in such a way as to further any
military purpose".
The first part of that Anicle gives the organizatíon an objective
dealing with sdentific and technical matters, in which as history
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