Comunidad del pacífico en perspectiva - Volumen 2

LA CoMUNIDAD DEL PACÍFICO EN PERSPECIIVA / F. Orrego Vicuña technological developments made the promotion of regional coope– ration in this vast area a real possibility. He asked the Study Group to come up with recommendations as to what should be done, or how Japan should contribute, for the purpose of pro– moting cooperation among the Pacific basin countries. He also sug– gested that in view of the economic, cultural, racial diversity of the nations in the region, the Cooperation to be promoted in the region should be an open one in nature rather than a closed one. Several forums may be created, and membership may vary according to specific themes for cooperation in each forum. Such forums as a whole should not only deal with economic fields, but also cover cultural, scientific, and other possible fieIds for cooperation. Finally, the Prime Minister requested the Study Group to study the matter as a Iong-range policy matter, and not to hesitate in coming up with recommendations which may be at variety with the position of the Japanese Government on this question. 3. Recommendations of the Ohkita Interim Report The Study Group has so far heId six meetings, and will submit an Interim Report to the Prime Minister of Japan in the very near future. Since 1 happen to be a member of the Study Group in priva– te capacity, 1 shall try to explain what 1 think is the basic thinkings of the Study Group, which Ís likely to be reflected in its Interim Report. First of aH, the Study Group considers that all of the prerequi– sites for the promotion of regional cooperation are for the !irst ti– me in history being met with in the Pacific basin region. Secondly, the Study Group considers that the Pacific basin cooperation to be promoted should take maximum advantage of the rich potential of the region, not only for the benefit of the peoples in the region, but also for the enhancement of the prosperity of all peoples in the worId. Thirdly, as a consequence, such cooperation should be open in nature, in the sense that it should be joined by all nations which share the common objective, and also in the sense that such an attempt to promote regional cooperation in no way should be meant to exc1ude or weaken global cooperation. ''''hat we need to- 38