Política nuclear - page 335

any interesting findings are made, more thorough
geochemical studies will be carried out.
We are hoping in the near future to obtain funds for a small
nuclear reactor for use as a neutron source mainly for neutron ac–
tivation analysis and to a much smaller extent for radioisotope ma–
nufacture. The class of reactor we have in mind is the Mini–
TRIGA or the SLOWFOKE, the latter is particularly simple to
operate. With such a reactor we would begin programmes in
(1) Applications of Neutton of Neutron Activation Analysis
in agriculture, forensic science, ecology and pollution
control, food analysis and geochemical mapping.
(n) Teaching at undergraduate levels in a variety of discip–
lines including basic reactor physics and engineering;
( m) Production of short lived isotopes for research.
The acquisitation of such a unít and its application to the pro–
blems outlined would gíve a tremendous ímpetus to the develop–
ment of nuclear science and indeed of scientific research generally
in Jamaica and in the Caribbean region and help to develop a good
size crop of scientists and technicians who will provide the nucleus
for further developments.
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