Política nuclear - page 205

Congress would authorize a new
145 million design of a larger
breeder reactor project. At the end of a three year study period (in
1981) the Administration would decide whether to continue with
the current
build a larger breeder reactor, or terminate eit–
her or both projets. However the ultima te {ate of what some wits
have dubbed the
(Carter Bigger and Better Reactor) remains
unresolved, the issue becoming intertwined with the President's
energy legislaríon which is also bogged down in Congress.
The Carter Administration also agreed with the recommend–
actions 'Of the Ford Nuclear Poliey Statement and determined
that the us should considerably upgTade its enrichment capacity
-through continued expansion of existing gaseous diffusion facili·
ties and commercial development of gas centrifuge technology. This
was envisaged as particularly important in order that the us might
be in a position to guarantee other nHions an assured supply 'Oí
enriched uranium. S.ignifying a cIear emphasis upon the front end
oI the nuclear fuel cycle, Department of Energy Secretary James
Schlesinger formally reopened us order books in May 'Of 1978 for
foreign enriehment services with the intended goal of discouraging
foreign purchasing 'Ordeveloping of reprocessing facilities. It is the
intent of the us to increase its current enrichment capacity by 30%
in the next several years in pan through add-ons and upgrading
of current gas diffusion enrichment plants but more particularly
through the development of gas centrifuge enrichment facilities
which are viewed as a key aspect of the us being able to be a reli–
able supplier of enriched uranium. To dramaticalIy increase us en–
richment capacity via gaseous diffusion would require construction
very large nuclear power reactors dedicated solely to satis–
fying the requirements of the planls Cor electrical power. Due to
the rising cost of fuel for electricity the Carter Administration turn–
ed to centrifuge whieh requires only 4% as much electrical power
as does gas diffusion. Thus it is anticipated that the increase in
us enrichment capacity can be handled by the current us electTÍcal
grid. Completion of the Portsmouth, Ohio centrifuge facility was
initially set for 1986 but for a variety of factors has now been ex–
tended until 1988. (The projected size of the plant has also been
scaled down from its original 8.8 million separative work units to
2.2 million initially, to be upgraded as needs arise).
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