Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
} :,;\' 01.l!TI,.] MOLLUSC:\, ~.._,!:.·H :nultilnr;:l.,r. t lw \'11l11•i -r , , 111·1:B'.t~!y in·:oh ·ing thc axis ; 1 }¡ l, ºP"1ti11 ~ :tt t!u• p >:!lf c!i' 1111' :-= 11p1 •rior chamlJl'I'. 1. U. n,,¡ , .,, 1 ,. pl. 1,,· 1. f. l li -17. - F1r ..1 E.I . , p\. 1. r. 11i- li. S, 1 ,,ll o!1l11u .•,,, t:,,, \.1il11 .,. •.h .,: 11•.L w,1:1 ,ix 1·um¡1arl111t•11t~, t hc thrcc !Upcrior in. ._. 1, .. ,¡ 11 ~ 1!w 111 i~•n.i1· 1111 , ._ ~ ,.,-1I 1•.ir ·hl11i-.h "i.i11•, v,•1 y I ran~pa rPut Jn1l ;:;los,;y. L.. ·n:;th ,u 11 • l:a,". 1·\mml al '1\•:ahy, \\',11,·• • h~· \11.•ur ;;:~ L ) o llS, E>'l· ( ;,.:~u..; ~i.-~1{11.101.:\ ,-Lama rt?h. Sh<'ll m•1lt ilo~11lar, t r:111<\'l'I':-<' , o ,·al<' ·!.dnb11lar, or C'lon;;ated, wilh tran~n•r:-.r c,•ll-. :-=11rrn°111d !11~ 1h1? axi:--. a11(1 altm·uatr)y ::.11nnonnti11g <'ach o: 1,,.,. : a11,•1·1 u:·,• Vi'I'\' s111:dl, nrbic1: la1· or obl ong, ~i tuatcú at 1he b .1<<' of ,li<' l:1<t ,·olnt ion. J. .il 1•1111r,,. t rfrn. pi. L\º 1. f. 22.-Fir~t F.,I., v'- l. f. 22. ~} 11 ,:J 1•011,i -ti n-! 111' í111u .. m,\:l. ohlon.:, ('1>11t ral, dunhti.: !-rmiiunar comp:irlmC'n ls, :un·~t.•.1 hy l wu br !'' u:u•i: ~m•10L!i. -.hinin ! , :m:l oí a crc.i:n whitl! co lour ; s izc 3hunl a Huc. 1-'ouu~\ at Duub::r by G1.:ncral Bingham. GE'ICS !J.-L.\c:E:-;A.- JVullicr, Shr-11 11?1ilncnlar, íl:isk-shaped a nú free. l. L. ¡,1:,./ul'id·:, p\. L\'I. f. 2:l. -First El., pL l , f. 29; Vtrmiculmn ¡>trlu• r idum; '.\luuta~u. p i'1-.!:°>, p1. 1-L í. 3. Slu•II íl:1.,k.-.h:~p1•1l. smo111h, furnich,·,l with : i.ix rq11i,\istant, lon~itulliual ribs , :md 3 smatl l.nuh at 1\w \1:, -.,. : 111.·<'k w ry Ion:,:, sulw~ li!ulril":il, :tpcr turc txtremdy small; ('o!our ,,hi!í'. 1r:rn-.¡, :11·1•nt :uul t:lussy, som,: timcs lm.>w1tii h, L,m:;th 11o t .i. t ~n tlt oí an im·h. F,1111hl a t :-:,•.1· a lh•r. ~- I... ~l riulu. ¡,l . L\ºI. r. 3G.-fir:;t E,t.,pL 1, f. 3ü; \Valkcr, f. G; Vt:rmit-idum 1t, i l!/11111 : :\ lun1a!!II , 1'· ;·;·,!~ . Slwll !=1thm·:1I . \\ i1i1 :i ~h•mlrr pro1lur.<-1\ ucck ; hody 1011:;i!mlio:illy :rntl con(pic1:- \)\lSh· !- triall•1l, lh•m:: mun.• 0¡1:iquc th::t.:1 t hc r,..:,l. oí tlu shl'll; sh:a¡w<l li\rn a I-:'ion•nt·c 11:1,{ ; :i¡,,•rtu:-,• c¡:mall. urhi,·ul~r. L~•n;.:th 1101 h:lli° a lin(', A r:,ni slH.•11, fuu111l :: t S:m<lwil'l,. H,•,·nh••r, :,,;,:1,•p•r , ~mi 011 tlw suath c:i;-._...t uf Dc•:011 : liirt•. a. J.. s1¡11cww.v1 , ¡1l. LVI. f. :l:?. - F1r:,l I::J., pi. 1, f. 3:!; l'crmicul,m~ s•J:te:~ :11m;u1u ; ;\!,1nt :t~!ll. \t• f.l '.l!i , p!. 1-1, f. 2, S..w ll -.uh~lul10 :1•, m:ir\.;,•,1 wit:, mulul:i~c<l sc:ilc-li!:c sl ria?; ::.pcrlurc a littlc 11ro • ,h:cl'.l. A rni ,1111,• ,¡1.•t•i,,c¡: frum ~1•a<:;11t ..:r. -l. L. 11Wrf,'Í11t1(11 . pi. L , . l. r. :10-3 J.- F irst E J. , pi. 1, r. 30- 3 1 ; " "alkcr, f. -; ; r ~rm fr" lum mn~.,¡i,111/um; :'il11n1 :1,.: u, p. 52,1. s:,rll souw,d1at 1h,k-~h:1¡,.•tl, its ccutrc iuH·s t ••t\ by :t. S:h, suln\i\·:<ling- lh1~ bo,ly i .-ohmr whir ,•, tr,111~11an•11t ,ud ;.!1,-,sy. From Hccuh·t•r; n-ry r .uc. .:;. /, . uruir. pl. l.\' l. f. .~;3.-Firsl. EJ. , pi. l I f. !33 ; l\.rmicul,,m urna:; ;\ lon- 1 t,.::u . p . !12:,. pi. 1·L í. 1. . 8!h•II urn•i:up ,,t. smooth, ~lossr , s,•mi- tr.:inspll't"l\l a,u\ wh, t l.!; :i.t thc b.tsc thcrc ¡,. :i sl,•n,\,•r ,. 1 ,¡u-m!a;.:1•, or lrnob: ~nrrriur ,•xllcmit y proJun•,l into ;i conic 11cck , in wh ich ¡ 10 ::.itu:¡t ..- 1\ thl• :t.¡H.'l'lure. Lcnith 11ot quite a linc. f'1u111.l iu s:imt :it Slu·p<')' J, !:uul. ti. / , . rclnrtn. pi. L\ºI , f. :l-l - !l:).-F1rst E il., p1. 1, í. 3 ·1-3!>; S e,7111/a retorta; \\'.,lk,•r . f. 10 ; r ,•rmicu/11111 I', turtum ; ) , p. r,:!,I. Slwll r.uho: hicular , fl!tort- :-ha¡ll'tl, whi11•, op;iquc; ccntr~ o í thc bocly :mcl ont<'r c:lgr ní thc n<'d; 111 ,.,.,rr,l tiy :i s1ro11;.:: lon;.::1t utlinal rib; m0t~1h sulwylinclric:tl :.~d rc<.· u:·_n·li, with :t. !tnrnll suUumbilicus at thc b:t.'ic oí thc 1wck. D1 ; :tcr not h3IÍ 3 hnt'. l·uum\ o.t S:111Uwich. OltDE\t II.-TllACIIELIPODA. Posterior parl of the bo, ly spirally enn rnlute, scparalcu from tite f, •el, arul co:istan1 ly envdo petl in a shell; foot free, clcpressed, at- tachr •l to t.he 101,·<'r h:ts<> of' lhe ne<:k, on the anterior part C) Í tite hody, anrl forrning a mcmber o!' locomotion ; shell spirnl ami cnvel- oping , SEr,Tio:-. I.-ZoornAcous TnActtr-:L1roo,1. ' l' I ·, ·il• •ir~ c>ntirc>ly marine, having a p rotruding syphon, IC :"l.111 . ll, •· • ~ • • 1 · · .. ,t <>r on ll' which r eachcs thc b rnnchi::c by tlns sy • :\11( r r.:-:.p11·111~ \\. • , . • . 1 • l<'voitl of maxill:c ; prowlr.d with a rC'lract1lc pl'O• phon; t " 'Y ,u c ' ' · . • .· ¡ • 1 ¡· 1 0 1 ot hct· animal; , Shcll 5pll'al, cnvelopmg , ,1 rl i bo~c?s ; anl Pt~, 1 ~ • • l . 1 t otcl,e<l or eíluse at rts l.,a,;c. thc :ipc rture cana rcu a e, n F AMII,\' I.-lNVOLUTE, cffu,c at the base, an<l it s volutions comprc>~; cd, atl(I conw,!utcd in ~uch a manncr as tl,e externa! one ncarly cnn·lopes thc others. G~::,;us I.-C\'1'1t .EA.-Li111ucus. Sh<>ll o,·atc, or ohlo11g-o,·at<>, co11\·cx; n,ar;:il!s i11Yol11t e ; a¡,erturc lo11¡.rit11dinal, na>Tow, d1•11tatc•1l <•n both sidc>,, effuse :il the extrcmitic,; spirc ,·ery s111:ill, g1•111~rally co11ccal,•1I in lhc n1at1,n) slll'II:-. l. C. Huropw. pi. 11, i. 8-1:?.- Ftnl .E.l. 1 pi. 44, f. $-1:? ¡ C!:p r.xa puliculus; ::\lultl:t :u. p. :!00, l>;,,1nu,·.111 , 11 , pl. .,a. Shd! o,·:al • ..;lo~>y . tunad ou thc l,;u: k . i-u:-roundc(l with t rans,•<'l':-C c-lc,·.-.tcd s triu.·, whid1 laminltc ,,ith:u llit· lipJ. ghiu:; th\.'m th t• ªi'}H'ar :inrc of lH'ing- ,·1"mtl:tt c-i\; thc ~urrou11<lin~ )'.no.! in som..: place:- d1,·hlt-cl Oy 111tt· 1 uw,li:-.1,• :.hurtl~I' 01H s , o r in romr in--1a11cc:, thcy are Lifun::it ,.-1\ ; co!our pale rur¡1l:,h lH,1\\:1, ur ~t.. 111 c'11our. \\ ith t hn·c d.1.rk , bb.d::sh Urowu :-poti QII thu ritlgc uf · lic Lad ~; t h<" mi,hlle on t• oít cn ,·,•r~ f.i. i11tly markcJ ¡ ÍJcC' of tlll ' :-hl:11, in wh1ch thc lt¡,s are , ,,hit (\ or ,·c1)' ¡,=-ie t1e:-h ,·oluur. Cumu'lnll 1111 m my of l h\.· ... hur,·s o( lhi1.,111 J thl ln·h1ul. 'J'his ::pcci,·s . lil:c tl, c whulc ot' tl,c G,•nus , i:; n ·r) ,fü::.imi!~r in iu youn:~ ::im\ :uluh ~t J.ll' , 3Ull h;i,s in <:onM·t1u,•11c..: L,•,:u ,l1,•,::.cr1bc~l iu th11"f' ,·oa~h:ions .i.s d1su11ct spr ,·i1•.•. F1_.;. ü, pi :!, ¡., riH' ::,ilcll iu il1t carly ~t:,1c, th,• llt:llo d1, t¡d. . .iw of .\luht:\",ll, \l• :! :.!!>. pl. -;, L 3 ; ami f. 10 is thc:-;imc in a 111ur1,,•;:.,h-:.nn·,ll!unti11a..111; thc U¿;J.1r1ru b :llle:t rr oi :'i!uut.t;.;u, p. :!V:! , pi. ü , f. J. 111 Lulh t !1l' !if.' s1:it;cs 1t i.;; ,.:utirdy ,ln ·1>11l uf i;t riu•, bciu;:;: ,li.1¡111:rnouc, ;Juh y ami thin. )lont1~u ,h·~cnl>,•o; the ,·ari,·1y oí t iii s ~peci1•~, \\hh·h Í > ,h·~t it nltJ of spots , :.s tlae C. Arl'li~a. .Aut!u,rs ha,c alsu ,·onfuuu,l,·,l it wuh thl! <.:. pcJ in:!us uf Li1111:1.·1u, from "hich 1t is .it 011c -: ,1i-.1i11;ui:.hc1l 1 bt•tnrr tkn•i ,I 1ll t i1c ,h,1·• :11 ~ulnt'i. G 1-::-. us '2.-Chu1.A.-lJrug11irrc. Shrll turgid, altf'1111atcJ al both <'ne!:< ; mar¡.,in,; convolut c ; apcrture longitudi11al, JP.uTo,1· 1 cffusc at thc cxln:111i1i,·~; tlic h•f'L rnar¡;in ,rithout t ccth, 1. Ovula ¡w:11/a , p1. JI , l. 11 - 13. - Fir. t E ,1. , ¡11. ·1-1 1 í. 11 - 13; 11111/u JJ0(1tl1t; Dri1i~h Zuu!o;;:y, pi. i l). f . ti.J, :\ ; ) J..,ut.,:;u, p . '...'07. Si idl ~mouth, gl,)S"')' ¡ p:dc fawn, ur <"r, ·::t.111 \\lllt...-; o!Jloui;, i11,·ululr1!, upprr f-ll l l cXh'111l:11;,; hcpmtl t l1c b..i,ty, U:is1.• 111on• 1•w1\un·1l; .IJll'rtorc l.1rg,•, ta111i11::t.ti11:-; in :L ~: .-,r t c:!11:il :it 1."acl1 l 'Ji..1, mo, l co11tr :n: t1•d nt t l111 tui,¡ c 1·l 11n11•lb l\,i , t c,I, r.1111 1•11tlin,; i:l :m oUluu;.: s11Lu111h1li1·11i un lht• 1~1llar lip ¡ uuh'r l1p p:.. iu , ami ,·ery t !l!u. L.:11ü l11 ,·1uJ .i.11\l OllC•t c11 th of an irn: h, la·c;i1ltl1 onc 111ch. Fouud ut Wt•y111cut h. FA~l11.Y II.-CoLUMELJ.AlltA, D e,titutc of a canal al tl,e ha~c of tire apcrtnre, lrnt with a &uh- dorsal nolch, 111ore 01· less <li , tinct, aud lolJs upon the ClJlumella. C1,:,;us 3.-Vot,VAltl.\.-Lumarc/1. Sl:cll cylimlrical, cou,·lJlute; tl,c &pi,·e hardly proiruding; :ipcr- (nre narro·.1·, uearly tl,e whole lcng th ol' the s l,cll; columclln with one 01· more lolds ucar its base. J. V. ry/;,,,/ri.·tt, pi. X t X, f. l'irst l:J., pi. 38, f. :IG..:J7 ; V. pullidu; La- 111Jrd:. , i, p. !J.i:J; ll:t llct ryliwlric:u , P 11hc11cy , p. •10; 11. t.:y li11druct u 1 i\lout.:1.g:11, p. :!:? I, p!. 7 , r. 2~ P ,•111:.m1, 1,I. iO, f. ij.J; U u1u,v:i11 , 1\', 111. 120 1 f. 2. 2. ~111:II ~lcm1c r, cyliiuiriL', smoo1h, ~lo! .5)' ::ml ,d1i1c; apn1nrc c1tc11Ji11g its wholc h•ni th, ,·cry 11:lrrow ami s~nw ,diJl dtbtctl :i.t thc b.1.~t' ; ouh: r !Ífl thin, a.cule, stnii~ht • i11111.'r hp thh-kcm·<l, u¡i:u¡uc :rnd \\hitl! ¡ colun,e11o. su1ncwh::t i titlcntcd. J.cugth fh·c- <'i:>htlis ui an inch, b:-c.:idth two-riglults. Jd1aliits t hc , c;i :i.t F~mouth, T ci¡;nmoutn, :t:11l IJ.L•,, li~h, S.,uth D.:\·ouo;iure, Bt•tldl<-íon \ l by 111 t 1:! 11w1t1 , :iwl on thc C.iernar- , om!,iri: cu:.-.l , T ~·nc n mls, Frith o í Furlh, aml l'ortrnnnock , Jrclatu.l. 2. r. s:1bcyli1alricfl , pi. XlX. f. l ~- :!O. - F1r :,t t·:l. , ¡11. 38, r. 10 - !!0. ~:1cll s11licy1iiai;1c, 1...Llon¡;-0 \·ate , smouth, \\h1l~ ; :t¡l~,·t ur <• u111l,ilicatctl, thc who!c l1•:1üth of -:.h e ~hd l, com11rc.;setl, widcoing a. lit1lc t o,\.tnls thc t ase, ouler li[I rising :i. hnlc al,o-.· t! thl' :q,~x; 111ll:ir lip !1-liJhtly rcJ \·Ctl.!c\ :\t the UJ.'iC, formin,; a 5u\mm- Uilicus . Lc:1¡;1h one• r i;;hth of ::m inch, \;rca<lth h1lí i1s lcugth. Disco\'l'rcJ :it l)uul.>ar 1Jy V,·uc-r:il Binoham. 3 . V. umbifü:ctlu , ¡1I. X.lX, f. 9.-First &l., p1. 38, r. 9; Dullu unibilicuta; ) Jo11ta:;u, p. ~~:! , p1. 7, r. -l. Shc•II 0Ulu11:;-u\·:,,I, smooth, ant\ td1itc ; 3pe:-.. rou11tlc(l anJ. strongly umUilic:itctl 1 3pcrtuN th~ ,•,1.olo l..-1:~ tli of t i:c :.h t·ll, \"Cry n;i.rrow, c.iil:uinó e, littlo a.t thc b:isc:. Lcu.;th :tll ci~hth ui a:l i1:1.:h 1 bn·:i<lth :t.bout h:ilf i t s 1cag th. 1'"cu11'1 iu S3JU\ n.t }la\- muuth h:u-Uuu:-. •l. I'. 1tlb:1, ¡,l. X IX, r. ·13-1•1.- F irsl J::.I., ¡,l. :is, f. ·13-14. Shcll <lestitulc of a can:il, but h:iving its apcrture notchc<l or Shcll suLcyli11Jr ic3I, Unl;;ing in thc centre, t hiu, srnooth, blossy a.nd whitc ; a.pcrlurc t lu.' \\hule lc11g t h oí thc Shl•!I, n. littlc cum¡1rC's51:U iu t ite centre, nnd dila.tell tow 3 nt, t hc b;u\! ; 1,uh•r li p t !.m, pillar li¡, t:,ick-.·nc,~ _::it thc_ b:isc, wilh :;i ,•c ry ,ligh t <lu¡,li• c1turc :t tho bottom of t nu C'olum1.•1h1 ; no ,·1s:l.,tc ..,p,rc, \Jut ht. npex sHghtly subum-
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