Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
2 l\!OLLUSCA. [C1•:l'l!,1LOPUII.\ , a point ; apt'rtur tt consisting oí (l small proJuccd siphon ; colou r, \fhcn tlin~¡;tcll oí ~t:, Lrown epidermis, purc "hit o a.nd glouy. Lcna:th or.c-tcnth oí ~n inch . Iohab1t:s t11e IC3. :a.t S:t.ndwich, 2, S. decemlocularía. SheH ..-itb ten dinin:t, ncarly globulu u tic uh.tions; sli:::htly :ircu:iteJ, :md cnding- ¡11 n long lnpcring .uticulation, in which the scpt3. are hardly Jistin,i::uishablc; c n\°t'rcd ~ith a r l',ldish -brown rpidcrrni,. Lc n~th a tcnth and a h"tr of •rn mch. Wc havo rcceivrd this from thc south co1it oí Uc,·on; but t oo late for 111scrtion in thc plate. Thi, ¡, ,toubtlt ss the s:imc !hc!I \\'hich Monta;;u considcrs o. Y.i.ricty oí .\". 1ubar• cuala, whie h ho lu1.J front S:arulw1ch. 3. N. r<1dic11la, pi. J. f. 28.-0rthoura radicula.-First Ed., pi. 52, f. 28 ¡ .Yw:• tilu, radiculu; ~Jonta_!:tu, p. 1!)7, pi. G, í. •l. S lu•II subronic, clon¡;:LtC"cl, ,, i1h six su b:;?obo5e <lc-.-pl )' di,·i<lcd .:irlit·ulations ; thc upper onc much larger than thc othc r:t, .:iml eó:.;- .'lih:ipcd, smooth, op:iquc-brown, and thc aprrturc pro,·ided with .:i sma.U siphcm, with thc apcx extended to .:i conic point. From S:u,dwich. Montagu mt ntious v:uil'tics oí thi s speci,•g, h;i,•in~ fro:n two to íi,·e .:irticul.itions. Wc ha\·o 11ot s~c-n thc-st•, :md thcrf'fore c21111ot 'lój ►::":l.l.: cont:1·r:1ing them. Till' follow• ing distinct spcdcs is only con,i,lercd a ,·aricty hy lhlt ahb naturalist. 4 . N. octol11c11foria, pi. 1, í. 2:J.-Orll, ac,:r,c rmlicula.-F1r~l EJ.) pl. 52, í. 25; Nauti/111 rmlic11{,,; var íery. 1'lonl:lgu 1 l!J~, pi. J.¡, f. G. Shcll with c i;;lit round rnb-comprcssed a:·ucu:ation, , th!.! superior onc n c-;irly spher, with a sm:lll circular .tpcrturo in tirn :i¡,e:t; thc rcmaiuin;; articulations ~ndu1lly lcucuin~ , and th<" l:ist one sorne:what pyriíurm :111<l voi nte<l at. its c~trcm:ty. Colour crc:11n-wl11te, Fouml :1:. S.i.mlwkh ,mil tlll' s uut h coast oí U c"º"· 1n our first cclition wo folluw<'<l l\I.111ta;;u, in r.on~ idcr:ng- this ouly a \':lricty oí :V. r adicu/u. 5. N. 1pintJl01u, pi. r. f. 2G.-Orlhoccru spi11ulosa.-First Ell., pi. 52, f. 2G ; N,wtibt, 4pi1111lu:ms ; ;\lo111a;;b. Sup. p. ec;. pi. U), f. 5. S hell ~,i1h thrc,• gluhosc, tll·c¡,1)· <li·oid,·ll articubtiou;, co\'crctl \vith spincs , wl1ich i11cli11c lo tlio ptmc rior ('ll (l ; the superior bulh somewhat clong:ilct.l, in thc form oí a , iphon ¡ colour p1J13 cl1c:,L1n1t. i\10111,1~u me utiun, a ,·ari...-1y oí thi, o;hcll , oí \thich hr. pos,c,set.l a drawin~ hy Mr Henry Hoy•, wl1ich wai ,< l nntl t , with l'i~ht :uticulations; w;livh Wí're nthcr tuhl•r1:t1liHcll thau , ¡,i ni.'d . Wc would hu indinc<l t o cuusi<ler this a t.listiuct •vccic.-,, umlcr thc trivial oí tuin:rcululu. GE:-us •I.- Ü11T11oc1rnA.-La111arch. Shr ll clongatcd, st1·aight, ora littlc a rcuatcd, snhconical ; gene- ra lly ribbcd, with lo11gi1udi11al, externa! grnovcs; cii:uubcrs furn1cd hy tr:111s1·crsc scpta, pcrl'oratcd by a tnbc, which is cithcr central ur margiua1. Suúdivision 1.-Riúbcd. l. O. eu.1tata, pl. l . í. 17.-First I::t.l., pl. 52, r. l 7 ¡ N(rntilus coslalus; i\lon• '·":;u, p. 1!)9, 111. J.I, r. !). Slwl\ slr:ii~ht, su\,cylindric:il, tlpt'rin:1; !iili:,!htly lO\O::\nls the pos terior tcrmin a.tiou; wilh twc-h·t? co:ivcx. :\rliculations, N ch 11ro,· i,\c1\ with íuur cquitlistant, stron .; 1011:;i• t,ulina\ rihs, ru1111i11:.; confinuously th!! wlwle: lc n~lh of thc shcll ; :t¡wrturc t•xtt•rHie1l, 1n thc íorm of :\ short couic , iphon. Lcn¡:;th a <¡uarter oí an iuch. FuuwJ. un tli~ l'OJst oí K,•nt. i\lont:i.~u mcntions .\ ,·aric ty, with only six :irticulalions, for thc s:imc l oc:tli ty. ~. O. s rpt rmc-oll<Hcl, pi. l, f. :.?•l.-U. roltatu, ,·ariely, F1rst E:.l . , pi. 52, f. :H; .~úwtilus co)totu.s; i\"ont:t~u. Snp. v:i.rii•t y , p. ~3. pl. l ! I, f. 2. Slic-ll nc-:\l'ly l' ~·lirn\ric:ll, with li,·c ohlo11:; •u\'.\IC artict.latiuu!I . c:i ch provit.lcd with 1cn·11 1ib, , nmning l"ont :nuously thl• \\hule lcn g:th oí thc ~hcll; ¡1ostNior cn ,I t run• l':lh-11, with th1• 110ints uf thi.? til>s pr,,jn'.:tin:; l, .·yond iB m:1q; in; ante rior ,•nd h'rmi• n:1. tt•ll by a sh•m\.:, r ryliml:-ic-:il proc,'!-"' :\1 l ow; :i.-. tlh• íi r :;t :t:·t:c;il;uion, llestitute oí any opr11i1,~ 1 th~ apC'rhlf\' la·in:; ~itu:1trd ::tl th,• trunc:lh'tl cxnvmit~·· ~ lont:i:;u llll"llti un s a v:iril.'ly wi th 11\·c articu!:?ti,.m~ . :\lhl four rihs only. 3. O. jugow, pi. I, f. 13. - Fir st E1L, pi. 52, f. 13 ► :\lont:1.3u, p. J!JS, pl. l•t, (, ·l. Shc-11 sul,:ircuat.:-,1, ,;,uheylintlrit·:il, tapc-:-ing- ; with nin~. ri;,lg:<'tl, sub::;lohose, so:1~c- wh1t dun_;a:C'\i :irt icul:i.tiun ,; apatu:-c <"Xtc1hlt·d tu :l sm:i\l ronic !-iphon, tlu•,.me joint M thc iní,·ril)r C'fül t:lthc r low..:cr th~n tlw cunti:,: uous oncs ; ,·olour opa<iuc- br~wn. Ll·n:;th J lit:h• mon• th:in :in l'ighth of an inch. Thc riJ;cs t.lo 11ot cxtcild •jUllr tu th\~ t u11 oí thc : i.rt: c.ulatiuns. ·l~·, O. lúc11r 0 im:tu.-Sa11t ibts bir«r i;:alus.-)lontJ¡:;u. Sup. p. SG. ~ adl arc'.la.k1\. s.ubc,•lifülri1·,1l, with \•h•wn suh~lobo~c, hic :ltin;itt~tl :irticulations, 0 _r furuishl•il with :i. sli~i\t kmirnuclin:-.l r il, :1,l.,11.:; 1h~ are, ;in<l :i.noti11·r on thc oppositc ud,· ; tUc brg..-r i.'IHl lí'r:ninat..:,\ h~· a pr u,h1cr<l ~i¡1hon; th.:: :i:-ticul:ltions g r:l. llu:i.lly il'.·nc.ssr tow;,.rih thc vo~h•rior c:ul, wluch i s ru11ntk1I ; lrn :;:th :i.n c-ig:hth of ;.u inch ; d:.:imctcr .:it th<·. lar;.:: r n ¡, :i.rt abuut tnc- S'.'lmt•. F ouml :"Lt S.uuh,ic h. .5. O. ¡¡,, ,·u~is , ¡•l. l. Í. 1-1- 15.- Fih, E.J. , ¡:l.[>:!, f. J4-15; .Yau:ilus litu:iris; :\hmt!\'.! U, Sup. p. s;. pl. :lO, f. !). ::ihi•II ~tr:ii?ht, 3 htt l~ Cl)tOprcsH•,l, li:l"!lr, , lightlv t::.ncrinro: provid('d with numc-r- ous hrn.;:tu\lm.:il rib~, which t:ikt! :m olili,¡ue tlir,:c~ion: :itui., ~c::i.rcdy c.1tcnd h :tlf thc lcngth oí thc tthcll. I t is: of a glos.~y, ~mooth, :incl p c-lluritl whitr, ¡•~r í'pt :11011~ t!ic si\!rs, :l.ncl at the di\'i~iuns oí th,• , ·,,l h , wlu•rc it j:4 opaqnl'; tlu:r ,· :irn ahout íour t¡•r11 sli:;htly obliqu1• 1 ,uul not <J11itc rí':,!ul:ir s c•¡it,i; :111lt"ru,r 1•xt1 cm i1y Mll'ioth. ~ml tn- :niuat ,•d Oy a pro,luc,d siphon; pf1Sl1·r inr l'ml 1oun1l<'cl. L1•11;..:.1h 1w:irly :\ qu:i.rtt•r uf :m inth, lJ rca,lth allol!t an c ighth of its lcnóth. FouuJ on tl1c shcll .1J:111k :tt J)unbar, Frith of 1:ortb. S11l di1•isirm l T.-Doli!u!c of llihs. 6. O. rula, pl. ], f. l ü, 19. 20.- Fir-:t EJ., pi. !.)2, f. l ü, l!), 20; I\Jontagu, p. J9i. :ami Sup. p. 8:2, pi. l!I. r. ·1 .11111 ;. Sh1•1l strai:;ht or v,•ry s!i~htly Jrcuaicd, with p crfrctly smoot h, sli;:htly di\'i<l<"1l nrticu 1 atiou..:; tlp,·rin¡; 1 iitth: to tlw ¡m~tcrior 1cnni11atin11; :qlt'rlur.: s;tua tcll in r, small ptoduccU siphon .:it the antcriur ..:xtrc.uity. f on111l at S ;indwich; ,·cry r a:-c. F,1~111.Y IV.-SP111-:nu1,,1ct;,1. Shcll globular, sphcrnicbl, or º"ª\ ; wi1 h Ihe \'Ol11 t io11:; m11tu11ly cnvclopiug, or t he cclls co11tig11ous, and forming a tu11 ic. G¡¡.-;us G.-l311,ocuL1:-,1.-D'Orbiy11!J, Shcll ova(c.globosc, with two tra11s1·c!l'óC cclls, i1ll'ulving thc axi; . l. n. oblori!JCl, pl. LVI, r. :rn-3fl. - Í.fl !/ t'IW n!,/o11ga.-f i;•~t E.ti ., pi. 1, r. :3:3,3!); Vc:rmic,clum ufi/()11yum; :\lonta~u, p. [J:!:!, pi. 1-t, f.!). Shcll ol,l011~, o,·al, !-Olllt'\\' hat cum¡m•.h C 1; wiltl a l oa:.::itu lin::.1 sut nn~ un onc s idc, whi ch cli ,·itlcs thc sh •11 i1110 Lwo p:lrt:- ; on 1h c 0¡1¡.►ojitc s1,\c thc mí1ltllc co11lp:l.rtm1!n t is :-urr ouml,·tl I.Jy 3. faint th·pr\•si:i,111, wh1ch s1•paratcs it from th... cXtl!riur onc, :i1ul i ; mor e d,..,·.ltell, ªl'·'rlur..! u,·al, sl i,;htly pro1ht .:l•1l, wi:h ~ ycllow mar;.:in; gc11l'ra\ c.,. lour o;-i:iqu1•. :.:lo~sy nliit.•, I.t•u¡;th u ot h.tlf a. lin::. Fuuud in from S:tkornb lhv, D ..-rnnshirí'; r;irc. 2. 11. clli¡,tiea, pi. L\'l. f. 2:J .- il/ilil'ltt c:lli¡,ti,:a,-First E1I., pl. 1, f. 23. Shdl c-lliptic;il, a. littlc cotnprc~sctl, dt":i.r, ~ino,1th :rntl J.,:lussy; tlu- iut .. rna! cham- br :-s shiuin;; thruu;..:h, ~ i\·iu :; it tlw ;1pp<-:ira11cc of lJci11:.; l'Xll'rn:iliy t:;rnovc<l ; ~iic not :\ liuc. Fuuml :'ll Dun 11:u- Uy Gr1ll'ral B111:.;h:w1. · 3. B. lttcl,:cr, pi. LV (, f. :!.~.-,\/iliula l:.1•fra.-F1r;t EJ.; l'c:rmic:11lum l11clc11m; )lo111:i~u, p. ;J:!~; ::\, ·r¡m!a fruuis ; Walb•r, f. ú. Slwll tlun, s n1<.wth, glo:-.'-y, t•;; ~-~ha p~\I, != li;.;i1tly c om¡,r cj:,;c<l; ¡idluci,I, with mil k- whitc \ºCins . L1·1101h half :t lmc. e ,a'it u f O.' \'Ull!-hirc. ·l. /J. murgi,wlct. pi. LVI, f. 2;) -•Uc•floirl"tt utflr!JÚW(fl. - First EJ., pi. 1, r. 2!,. Yc:rmiculum 11wr9 i1wlm11; :\10111:1:,.:u, p. !'1:H; \\':i.itl·r, pi. 1, í, i. Shdl globula r, :i li11lc co:n¡, ,·tl. surruuad1•,\ Oy an 1.•lcvatt•1l zoac; co!oar whitc•, lrJ.11spar1·11t :rnd glul•Y· Siic no: l1;ilf a lin.:. Fouml a.l lt .!cuh·cr, :mc.l vn the coast of n~,·on; ,·cry rarc. GE:-us G.-TntLOCüLI:-,L-D' Urbi!Jll!J, Shcll gcneral ly orntc-globo,c, with thrcc transversc cclls inYoh· • ing tlic axis. l. 1'. y/abra, pi. LVI , f. 20-2 l.-ne11oi,lca _qlubra .-first E :.I., pi. t, f. 20-:ll. Shd l m·a rly cin.:ulal', ti, rcc lol,c1l, thc twu cXll'rnal 0 1h·s long,·st, ami. i1wohi110 tlu: thiul; smuuth, tran.,parc ut aml glo~sy. Sizc aliout .\ linc. Found at DuulJ:i; hy General lli11gham; r.:irc . 2 . 1'. ruluudata, pl. LVI, f. 1·1-15.- llcuoidca roltmdatu.-First Ed., 111. J. f. · 1-1-l i, . Shdl pf'rf,•ctly g:lobular, smooth, shining: nnd transp:trcnt; miiky whitc , witlt thrcc lohcs, thc externa\ oncs h r;cst. ~izc not a liuc. Found at Dunl.1.\r hv G1•11,~r:i.l Bingh:1111 ; \'i..'I y r:ire. · :.L 1'. liicornis , rl. LYl, f . 2-i.-illíliolu l.dcornil·.-First Ell ., pi. 1, r. ~-L Serµ,:/u bicor11is; :\10111:igu. p. :'J 19. Shdl thr('c cl1aml1<" r1•:I. thc mitldll! onc s:11 3.l ), th e oul c r OH<'S r oun 1 1ccl, consiJcr;l- bly largcr, anti i11,·c ~1 in~ it c u ouc s\l\¡•, :mtl lon:,::ilulliu :1.1\~· , triatc1l 011 t hc lo::;;,·r frum 1hc :i.perturc , wl:id 1 is cont r :i.ctrli; mouth small,!::i.r ; colour op:iititt•; whitc. Lcng:th 0 111~ hnc. F round at Sa.111\wich anll ll. cuhcr. 4. T. p , rfuratu, pl. L\'J, f. 26.-.lltlii,la /Jt'T/llrntu.-Frst El., pi. 1, í. ~li -l'c.•rmi<.:11/um p cr_fomt111:1; ,\lout a;.::: u. p. :J l !J.- Scr¡ud,t l,i 1 •1)1,ci.•· ; \\'::.l ::(•r. f. :). Shcll thrce ch;irnhc-rcd; c entral com¡1:1.rtmr 11t lht, thin, :11Hl ¡ cdorat c.!, \\ith ,, S\' • milun:i.r disc on onc ~i1lc, :i I.J.r~t·r curv,·<l chamlwr 011 t ht· cth •r; culour \'11:tl·, op:tqU\'• aml ~lossy. Found at S:mdwich :i,ul C<.Jrnwa\\; wn· r a r,·. 5. 1'. st;ictta, pl. L \' l. f. '27 .-J/i/iu/u ~tri11ta . - F1r~1 1~ l.. pi 1. í. :!7. S h('ll with thrcc compar tmcnts , thc two outc r mw~ inws1i ~ thc oth,•rs ; t h,· whol(' are lung illuliually ~tri,11c:l; y,·lhnnc.h ,d11a!' ~ not a liuc in len.;1h. F,m: .. 1••• ~ ll ,•ltoa saml~. 11<':lr Duub:i r, hv G t·11t·r:1 l llin :.:h:tm. O. 'l'. wi,wta,pl. L \' 1, r.' I K-l !t.- .H,/i.,/a 111iu11/11.- F 1r '-l E1l.,p'. 1,í. l~- t :1. Shdl threc ch:i.mhl·rcll. thc 111i1hllc ont• fl;i_t on 0111.! si1h~, :u1d rai•l'li on 1he 1.1~ '.1 1 : it is t•ntircly in,·1•:,tt.'.l liy tlh• ouh·r v:1h1• , , 011,• uf , , h ll'!i i,, :.h·uticr, ami th .• nlln·r broad, an<l t ;ipcriuj!, wi th thr<'l' or íuur s1 r u11gl~· m:ul,.·d luugit ud in.1.l :,.t ri:t.: ; ~i.i ..- llJout h;ilf a h1h', Fount..l :H D unb,ir by G .uaal B'.1~:;i:am.
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