Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
CLASS FIRST. UNIVALVE TESTACEOUS MOLLUSCA. 011DER 1.-CEPHALOI'ODA. l leatl 0 1' the anilllal emanating frolll a bag-shapcd mantle, and ;.,11-roum\ed by inarticulate<l arms, pro\'i<lcd with a sueker, ami in- ,·cst ing tite moutlt; lwo sessile cycs ; mouth fumisltcd with tlrn horny lllandiblcs; thrce ltcarts; tite scxes in scparate indi\'iduals. FAMILY l.-NAUTILACE.\. Shell ,fücoid, with a central spirc, the cells short, and not ex- tcndi11g from thc centre to thc circumfercnc:e. GExus 1.-NAUTILUS.-Linna:us. Shcll disr.oid, spiral, multilocular, with simple partitions; volu- t ions contiguous, t he ·Jast or bo<ly-one cm·cloping thc rcst; thc ~l'pta transversc, an<l extemally concave, pcrforatcd in thc <l isc ; margins cntirc. l. ~Y. llccarii, pl. I, f. 11.-First Edition, pl. 52, f. l 1 ; l\ 's Tcstacca Britannica, p. 186, pl. 18, f. '1; Wolkcr's ;\linutc Shclls, f. 63. Shcll with fuur or fh·c \'O!ulions, thc joints dccply sulcalC'd; ten scpta in thc first whorl ; COll\'CX abovc, an<l Hat bcncath, thc markings lcss distinct, apcrturc turncd <lownwanls. :me\ not clasping thc botly \'olution ; siphon small, a111.l usually situatc in thc com·cx front; CO\'cnd with a brown epidermis, but whitc whcn din•stc<l of its skin; in wl,ich condition, if thc animal is \'C, it is of a crimson colour, sizc not a linc. F ount\ on thc D<•\·oushirr COt'lSt, and in thc Frith of F orth, :idhcring to thc Fucus ce~iculu~us, thc roots of Alga?, and on Oystcr shclls. 2 . 1V. JJccurii ¡,crr;erslls, pl. 1, f. 12.- First EJition, pi. 52, f. 12; l\Iontagu, p. l Si, 1•1. IH, f. G; Walkcr, f. 6•1, Shrll with thc \'Olutions rc\'crscd, :md ag rcdng in crcry rcspcct with tho <lcscrip, tio11 oí 1Ycrntilus llecurii. It cannot be cunsidcrcd a, :i lusus, bccauso it is IIC'arh• as 11\cntiful :is Bccarii. • 3. ,.Y. crassulu:;, pl. I, f. 5.-First Edition, p1. t, J, f. 5 ; l\Iontagu, p. 191, pi. l $ , f. 2; ,Va.lker, f. iO. Shcll slrong, spiral, with numcrous closc~sct clC\'J.tcd sept., ; sidcs compr<'C'Scd, s:mila.r, douh\y umbilicatcd 1 within \t"hich, part ofthL• imcrior \·olutiou is sccn; apcrturc pbcec\ a littlc oblic1ue, scarcely cl:u•ping thc body, :mtl pro,·itlcd with :;i siphon ¡ colour t·rc=i.m whitc, somctimcs brownisli; sizc not more th:in h;:,.lf a linc. Found a.t R~- cuh-cr ; \'l'I')' rarc. ·l. 1.Y. umbilicalttlus, pi. I, f. 8.-1:irst Edition. pl. 52, f. 8; l\Iont:igu, p. 191, p !. 18, f. 1; Wolkcr, f. 69. Shcll sriral , compresscd, 11mbilic:\lcd on both sidC's, subpcllucid, with ninc or ten r,tiscd scpt.1 ; aprrture cl..1spin¡; thc botly \'Olution .ilmost equally on both sities, thc interior \'olutions bcing hi<l. 'l'hc most minute of :ill thc Nautili, n.bout thc fourth of .a linc in sizc. ,5. 1Y. d r.prcssrtlus, pl. I, f. 3.-First Edition, pi. 52, f. 3; :?tlontagu, p. l 90, pi. 18, f. 9; Walkcr, f. üS. . Shell spirnl, with nbout ninr ,·isiblc sept.1 1 radiating from the CC'ntrc m cur\'í'd lincs, di;;tingui:-:.hctl by thcir, but not cmbossed; sidcs similar; in tlw centre i, a smnll pcllnci<l spot, which may be mistnkcn for t'ln umbilicus; thc :i.pcrturc dors not clasp thc body so much as thnl of thr N: cttlcu.r, _from which it ;'l.}so_ dilTl!rs_ in hcinr, muth more com11rcssc11, h:\\'ing no carma, ami m thc concamcr,1t1ons bc111~ mor; nnmerous, aml Ucin~ only nbout ha1f thc sizc. r,. iY. iujlalus, pl. I, f. 4.-First E<lition, pi. 52, f. 4; ~lont~gu, sup. p. 81 , 111. l >:l, f. 3. . . Shcll spiral, with 1hrec lo\Jctl \'o)utions; thC' first pro\'1tlc<l w1th ~\'C cxlrrmc~t ,·cntricosc :uticulations; anterior cml subglobosc; siphon situated as m J'V. ller.nru. It ¡ 5 !-rnallcr, :uul lc~s lleprcsscd than th1t shcll, ha\·ing only about half thc numbcr of articulations , which are mut·h more tumid; colour opaque \Jr own. Foun<l ,uno11g s:rn<l 011 thc D l•,·onshirc co:tst ; rarc. ¡ . ,Y. la t:igatulus, pl. I, f. 9, JO.-Firsl Edition, pl. 52, f. !>, 10 ; i\lonlagu, p. 188 , p!, 18, f. ¡ 0 8; Wolkrr, f. üi. . . .· Shc>ll spir:11, with ten smooth, palc.• fcrru~mous _hrown, ne~ou_s T:l.)S m:ukmg t_l:~ !\C' )la, which are rathcr dccpcr in colour, a. httlc r.usc_J _and rad1atmg from thc cr'.1t1~, I . 1 11 .•, 1 <l consi<lcra\JI¡· co1wcx, dl•clmm;; towanls thc eclge·, wluch 1s l,oth !-11 c.; :uc cc¡ua. ) .. . . . round"d Lut nol strict ly C'arinafctl; npcrlurc surroundcd by a run fori~ung. a tnan~le, 50 th:i.t thc botly is nol interscctcd by thc anterior C'1_1d, Uut thc \'Olu 1 tion 1s lost JUSt hf'low thc nnrgin oí thc first scptum; thus diff~rmg from thc ,\. calt:ur, wl~?sc , ¡ 1 1 , . . ti • rnrr,in oí thc anterior scptum. Fouml nt San<l,Hch ho<ly ,s mue I e aspee u) 1c n 0 3111 ¡ St:a'i:tltcr ; rarc. :,. ,S. calcar, pl. 1, f. J, 2.-First E,lil_ion, P!· 52, f. l, 2; :\Iontagu, p. 180, pi. l t,, f. .i; ¡\'. rolulus, Linn.can 'fr:ins:ict;ons, \ III. p. I 14, Shcll smooth, spi ral, boily \'olu tion witl1 six articulations, dcfincd by flcxous de• ,·atc<l s tri;r, ratliating- from thc ccntri:, l,ut do not quite thc margin, which is pro\'i<lcd with a. s trong ca rina; both s iJc:; of thc shell cqually con\'"X, smooth, ami more elc,·;itcd in thc centre: intl.!rior \'Olutions in\'isiblc aÍl<.'r cntcring thc apl'rturc , which is sf'mi•conlatc in ~hapc. clasping thc boJy cqually on 1,oth siJcs, ;;md pro\'id~·, l with a sma11 pcrforation; colour brown. Fuuml on thc D c\·onshirc coa.,t, but \'..:ry rare. 9. lV, crispus, pi. I, f. G.-First Ellition, pi. 52, f. O; l\Iontagu, p. 187, pi. 18, f. 5; ,ralkcr, f. G5. Shcll with lateral \'Ol utions, ha\·ing: about twcnty flc:cous, crcnulatcd arliculations in thc exterior \'Olutiou, ·t1cfi11cd by clc\'atctl stri~; Lack carinatc<l; interior \'Olutious hi<ltlen; apcrtun..' scmiconbtc, , lateral, cla..sping thc boOy, a.nd pro\'i<lcd with a. small s iphon; glossy :md puro! whitl!, F,.mnd al Sa,ulwich, Shcppy lslaud, Tcign- mouth, and Salcomb, D c,·onshirc ¡ anJ at " ~cymoulh ;ind Swa.nagc, D orsctshirc; also thc south of \\'ates. 10. 1.V. cllrinalulus, pi. I, f. i .-First E<lition, pi. 52, f. l ; Montagu, p. 1 !)5; Walker, f. i2. 11 An oblung carinal<'d shcll, with a narrow o,·al apcrture; colour whilcish , l rnn,. parcnt liko ghss. From St'a..saltcr aml Sandwich; \'cry rarc." \\'e ha\'c copiotl this, imperfcctly figurcd a.ud <lcscribL•d, Shcll from \ralker. From t.hc figu10 wo shoulJ. say th:it it bclongc<l to the family 5j1/ur11locea oí Lamarcl.:. FA)IJLY II.-LITUOLACEA . Shcll somewhat spirnl, thc last Yolutiou coutinuous in a slraight linc. G ~;1, us 2.-S1'1 Jt0LIX A,-Lamarck. Sitell multilocular, partly spiral, ano <li:;coi<l; \'Olulions contiguous, thc last tenninating in a slraight linc ; scpta slraight, pel'lorntc<l 1,y a tubc. Subtlivision l .- C,mvo/11/cd. J. s·. ~,,lmrcuatula, pi. I, f. 2i.-First Edition, pi. 52, f. 27; 1Yuutilu1 &u/Jar• cuul rtlu)· ; l\loutagu, s up. p. 80, pi. l!J, f. 1 ; \Valkrr, í. 73. Shrll suU;ircuatcll, subcon,·olutc<l, thc str:i.ight part containing aboul fi\'c cclls; tho posll'riur half con,·olutcd; twel\·o \'isiblc conc:i.merations , ond vcry Jistinct; 1cpta somcwhat clc\'atcd; back carinatcJ, ::md s lightly inJcntctl :it thc dh•ision uf thc cclls; autNior Sl'pta oblic1uc, proJucing at thc n11crturc a considcrnb1c slopc from thc i:ikriur!y; front margin not carinntcd, Uut obtuscly roun<lod; sipho11 1 11lucotl 11i:ar thc back. 2. S. simililua, pl. I, f. 22.-1:irst Ellition, pi. 52, f. 22; /\lautilus ~imilituus; 1'ilu11t.1g11, p. 1!JG, pi. 1!), f. 3. Shc: 11 clougatcd, subarcuatCll, wilh clc,·:ite<l articul:itions ; thc septa pro\'i<lc<l wilh small dl.!\'alcd tubcrcles, a. row o í larAcr oncs in tho centro uf Lhc back; apc:<. iucur- ,·atl:O; apcrturc with a small produccd siphon ; colour <fllaquc hron·n. Fouml at. S.m:l,,·il-h and Shcppy lsl..mds ; rarc• Subtlivisio11 ll.-Sl1clls 11carly slraighl. 3. S. Lrgumc11, 11l. I , r. 22, 23.-0rthoccrri Lcgumcn.-First Ellitiou, pl. !,2, f. 22, :?3; 1Vautiltts Lc9u111eu; l\Jont:1gu. sup. p. 8:?, pi. 19, f. G, mH.1 /\. \\'nlkcr, f. i4. Shcll sub.:.rt.:ultctl, srnooth, glossy, pclluci1I, wliitc ; slightly compnss<'d, nnd a lillic tapcriu~; thc extremitics roundctl an<l somcwhat contractcd; nntcrior cnd surroundcd by a.n obli11ue ri1Jg", :iüo\'C which is an <'Xccrtr1l siphon; wilh a con!ti<lcr- nble =i.pcrturc ncar to thc couca,·e sidc; scpta cight or ninc in number. oblic¡uc, n1hl ,·isil,lc through the shcll; cclls gndually <lccrcas in3 in sizc t owards thc poslcriur cr 11 .l. Fig. 23 rcprescnts thc apcrturc with tlw s iphon. Lcngth nboul an cighth of :in inch ; brcadth abuut a sixth it s !cngt ?1. Fou1d in sand on thc co:i.sts of l<t'nt ;;mil Soulh Dc\'ou; \'Cry rarc. F.\7,111.\' III.- O1tTIIOCElt,\TA. Shcll slraiglit 0 1· ucarly so, without a.ny spiral \'Olulions. G1,¡,;¡;5 3.-NooOSAlllA.- Lamarcl,. Shcl\ clongaletl, crcct, or smooth, and slightly arcua.lcd, sub- conic, no<losc, co11sisti11g of a series of sphcrical \'Ol utions; tite transvcrsc sepia perforalcd. 1. l\'. subarcuata, pi. I, f. 18. -0rtlwcera subarcuulu.-First E dition; ~Ye:.;,. tilm: s11barcuutus; l\lontagu, 198, pl. G, f.~- Shcll 1ubcylindricol, suborcuotcd, with thrcc di,tinct globoso nrticulations ot thc superior cnd; thc rcmaining di\'isions impcrfcctly tldincll, nml al,ruptJy h.Jll'ring to
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