Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
1-12 DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. YIG. PAOY. PJG. rAGI! YIG 0 11, 12. Heli:.: pura............... 53 31 , 32. Akern flexilis ............ 50 20. Crcnntu)n Travisii 13, 14. Heli:.: obvolutn ......... 53 33, 34. Ilullrea calina............ 57 15, 10. Testacclla Haliotoiden. 54 35, 38. Galcriculum Joovigatum 23 li. ii.• Lima:< maximus ...... 5á 36, 3i. Voh-aria cylin<lrica ... 3 Phlte XXI.Y. 1, 2. Pecten opcrcularis IS, 18. • Limax ílnvus ... ... ... 55 3a, 40. Utriculus Limn ......... 58 (2-, rnr. lineatus.) 19, 10.• Limnx cnrinatus ...... 55 ·11, 42. Dnlla strfola ............ Si 3. Pecten lslnndicns ....... .. ... 20. Lima:.: ngrcslis ............... 50 43, 44. Yolrnria alba............ 3 4 . Pecten varius ............... 21. Limax arboreus ..... ....... 131 45, 4tL Yolrnria pcllucida ...... 4 ~2, 23. l-leli:.: aculeata ......... 47 47. Bulla all.,a ... .... ..... ... ...... 56 5. Pecten Jncohams ............ Cl. Pecten ol , ... ......... 24, 25. Clausilia bidens ... ... ... 37 7. Pecten hevis ........ .......... 2c;, 2i. Clnusilia 1,idcns, Ynr. nigricans .................... . (27 exhihits the mechanism of tho aperture of the Clausilire. Interna! view of the aperture of Clm,silia l,idc11s, to exposc the hinge 1,ono; tho mouth líes towards the Ieft; thc neck is hrokon off nt a; tl,e upper fold b ; thc lower fold e; thc intern1edinte fold r/; n thin fol,l runs dowu from thc colu- melln, ns in many of the Clnusilire, l,ut not quito pro- truding 1,eyond it e; a fold at the roof, which auswers the purposc of the nperturo of the hingo bono, which interiorly rnns parnllcl, ,¡uitc to thc top or the roof parallel with thc suturo cxtcriorly, becomes visihle liko a white thread- likc linc; tho lowest rounde,l off lcaf-liko part of tho hingc hone which close~ up thc apcrt.uro of thc Clausium.) 21l. :\eme fusca ... .............. . :!!J. Ope,·culum of Cyclostonrn clcgnus ..... . .................. :ll), :\ 1. Lymn:ca minuta, vnr. lloss1nnsslc1· . ... .... .......... :\2, a:1 . 'Lymua~a ovntn, ,·nr. ,·ulgaris, Drnpcrnn\Hl ...... a-1, :1:1. Lymn:cn ovntn, Drapcr- uautl ........................... :\(;, :.i;. I.ymnren ovntn, pcregrn, Drnpcrnmul :·1~, as.• Pupa l\lHSCOl'llt\\ :l!l. 3!l. • Pupa uml,ilicata .10, -10. • l'npa unideutata Platc XIX. 1, 2. Utl'icul11s ¡,licat11s Yar. :l, 4. Utriculus discors ... ..... . ,,. G. Utri c11lus obtusus......... ; , s. Ctricul11s minutus ...... :J. \' olrnria umbilicata ......... 11l, 11. t·1,·icul11s ¡,cllucidus ... 1 :?. \ 'oh-aria rctn::a... ............ J:l, J.I. l"tricnlus rnudi,lus...... 1 :,. lcL Bulla producta ......... 1;, IS . )! J, 20. 2 1, 2:!. :!:), 2-t. 2.:,. 2(i. Yoh-nria trmtcntn ...... \'olmria sulicylindrira. Bulla cmarginata .....,, , Bulla lignaria........... . Bulla ,lcnt iculata ...... 2;, 2S. Galericulum orntum .. . 2!l. :io. Bulla lly,latis........... . 38 !'late XX. 1, •l, O. Lottia virgínea 2, 3, 7, 8, 11. Pntclla pellu- cida ......... .................. {2, 3, 7, :md 8, young.) 5, 12, J•I, 15, Ji. Palcllavu).. gata ........................... (17, vnr. J, vulgata; 15, var. 2, communis; 12 aud 14, vnr. 3, alhumcnn: 5, vnr. 4, conicn.) O, 1O. Lollia testudinal is ...... 13. Patella c,ernlca ............... 16, 18. 19, 20. 21, 22. Calyplram siucnsc ...... Pilcopsis ungnrica ..... . Orhicula Non·cgicn Pinte XXI. 1, IG. Chiton l,cvigatus 2. Chiton al l,us ................ .. 3. Chiton mnr¡;inatus ........ . •l, 12, J 3, 15. Chiton aclm- tinus .......................... . 5, 8. Chiton fascicularis ..... . O, O. Chiton rnhcr ........... . 7. Chiton crinitus............... 10, 11. Chiton hcl'is ... . ........ :H 14, rn. Chiton Asclh,s ......... Ji. Chiton fuscatus ............ 34 18. Chiton ciucrens ............ 20. Chiton discl'epaus............ 28 2 l. Chiton Aselloi<les ............ 29 29 2!l 30 22. Chiton qninqucvah•is Plate XXII. 1, 4. Anomin Ephippium ...... 2, 3. Anomia undulata......... 5. Anomin squnmuln...... ...... O. Anomia nculcata ...... ...... 40 i, S. Anomia cylindrica ...... G3 G4 63 04 8. Pecten s¡,inosus .... ........ !'late XXV. 1. Pecten maximns 2. Pecten s inuosus 3, 4. Pecten glrtbcr 5, O. Pecten similis i. Pecten .Jnmcsoni 8. Pecten Lamlslnirgi ......... Pinte XX\'!. 0-1 ¡ J. 00 ; 2 • Pinna iugcns .................. Pinna clcgans .............. . 00 G9 3. Pinna fragilis ............... Platc XXVII. l, 2, 3, •I, 5, O. i\lodioln papunnn e;¡ (2, 5, nn<l G, young shclls; 3 mu! 06 4, 1·m·. umbilical;\.) 66 i. i\lodiola Gil,1,sii ........... . S. ~lo,liola discrepans ......... 65 9. i\lo<liola Pri<leauxinnn ...... or, 1O. i\Iodioln marmornta ......... 66 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. ~lytilusedulis 06 (11, Yar. 1, edulis; 1-1 an,I 15, 05 var. 2, clcgans; 13, vnr. 3, GG pcllucitlus; 12, var. 5, incur- LJG vatus.) 66 o,, 66 Gi 00 6!l (Hl 69 70 Platc XX \'111. l, 2, 3, •1. Anodou Cygncus.. . 1, 3, antl 4, \"nr. l, Cygncus.. . 2, vnr. 4, stagnnlis ............ Pinte XXYIII. • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, i, S, 9. Ano- don Cygneus.................. 1, ,·ar. 2, cclJcnsis ............... 2, young ... .................. ...... 30 9. Orhiculn Norvegica ... ...... 69 G and i, var. G, complanata.. . 1 O, l 1, 12. T creliratula crauium OS 13, 14, 15. Terebrntula aurita. 08 58 16, 17. Pecten nebulosus 5S iiS Pinte XXIll. 5S 1, 2. i\Iytilus cl'enatus ......... 3 3. Adenla ,\nglica ............ 50 ,1, 5. Lima snlcatn ........... . 4 G, i , i." Lima frngilis ........ . 50 S, 9. Lima tencra .............. . 5 7 10, 10,º, 11, Jl.• Lima \·itrina ·1 12, 13, J.I. Crenclla clliptica... 3 15, l<l. Galeomma Turtoni ... ·1 17, 1S. llinghnmi parndoxns ... Mi ( ,\ r cmnrlrnl,le birnll'c, d rcd¡:c,I ,,7 in Lcith roa,1s 1,y thc late 23 General Iliclrnr,l Dingham.) ,,; HJ. Ostrcn cdulis ............ . .. 72 ¡¡ 74 i4 7-1 i·l 7•1 it, 11-1 il 3, ·1, an<l 5, var. 10, piscinalis S an<l ~, vm·. 1I , rostrata...... Plate XXIX. I, 2, 3. Anodon Cygncus... . .. I, var. 3, auatiua .............. 2, ,·ar. i, A,·oncnsis .......... .. 3, var. 8, ponderosa ........... . 4. Dreisscua poiymorpha ..... . Pinte XXX. I, 2, 3, ·1, t,, G, 7, S. Anol1011 Cygneus ............. ........ . {, nncl n, var. b, intcrmcclia .. . 1 nml 2, Yar. 8, pnndcro,a 3 mu! ·l, \'ar. !l, sul,rhomlim.. . i mul S, \'ar. 12, co11torta .. . !l. lsoranlia Cor .............. . l'.\G& ,w. i 5 l'latc XXX.• 1, 2, 3, 4. Alasmodon mnrga- ritifcrus.......... .... ... ....... 83 il 4, Yar. 2, Hoissyi ............... sa 2, \'ar. 3, minor............ .. . ... 83 i2 i2 71 72 i2 73 3, Ynr. 4, arcunta . ..... ... ..... . l, vm·. 5, olivacca ............... 5. lsocar<lia Cor ............... O, 7. O, trca edulis, ,·ar. J>latc XXXI. 84 8·\ 6G 7 1 l, 2. Alasmoc.lon margaritifcrus 8:1 (2, hinge.) 71 3, 4, 5, G. Unio Batan1s .. ... . 73 (,J, interna! Yicw of the teeth; 73 5, externa! ,·iew of Lhc lceth.) 82 i 3 i, S, !J, l O, 11. Unio pictorum 8 1 73 (7 anu JO, ,·ar. l, or<liuary form; i3 S, vnr. 2; 9, Yar. 3; J 1, ex- terna! ,·iew of the hinge.) iá i6 i5 12, 13, 1-1. Unio o,·alis ....... .. e~ (14, externnl view of thc teeth.) !'late XXXII. 1, 2, 3, 4. l ;nio Dcshaysi i ¡¡ 78 7S 78 (3, interna! \'iew of t hc tccth; 4, externa! view of the t ccth.) 5, G, i, S . Unio tumi<lus ...... (i, iutcr11al vicw of thc tecth; S , externa! ,·icw of the lceth.) O, 10, 11, 12. Uuio l'Oslrnta ... 78 ( 11, interna! view of the tccth; 12, externa! Yicwofthctcelh.) 70 l 3, 1-l, 15. Alasmodo11 Hoissyi (15, externa! Yiew of the lcetl,.) Plate XXXIII. l, 2, 3. Arca Norc... ............ 4, n. Arca fusca ............. .. 6. Arca !actea .................. 70 7. Aren 1,arliata................ .. 70 S, O. Pcctuncnlns Glycimeris. ;o 10, J 1. Pectunculus ¡,ilosus ... l!l. Nucula mnrgaritnccn ...... 13. Nucula lcuuis .............. . 14, l:>. Nucula'argcutcn ..... . i9 1 O. Nucula rostrata ............ i9 17. Nucula oblonga ............ iO IS. Nucula minuta ............. .. SO 1~- Nucula tm ncata ............ SO 20, 21. Arca tctragonn ...... ... so 79 i!l so 8-0 itl 79 79 Pinte XXXI\". l, 2, 3, ,J, 5, , . Car,lium acu- lcatum ........................ (3, ·J, r,, nnd i, young) G, 8. Caniimn echinatum !l. Cal'dium tulicrculat ,1111 l'la lc X:\:\\'. l, 2, 3, •I, ;;, G, ,. l':wdium edulc ...... ................... .. 8. Cardimn zuuatmu ....... .. !), 11. Cal'tliHrn fü::c:iat 11m .. . 80 10. Canlium ,•, i~mnn ......... 80 12, l:J, J-1, ltJ. ( 'anlium la·vi- g-at un1 ........................ ~G lG, l i. l'anli um o1,lougum 82 83 8G 8G Síi 66 S!'J S:i 8:, 8Ci
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