Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
ERRATA. TIIE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS MAY DE CUT OUT, AND PASTEO IN THEIR PROPER PLACES. Pngc 1, col. J, linc !), for Gcnus 1, Nautilus, rcnU H01'AUA. lb. No. 1, rcatl 1/otcrlitt llccccrrii, 1/. JI. R. R. lb. No. 2, rcad R. Bcccarii, lb. No. 3 , rcnd R. crassula, fü. No. 4 , rcad 11. w11bilicat11la, lb. No. 5, rcnd Polyslomclla dcprcss11la, P. lb. No. G, rea,! R. Íl!flata, lb. No. 7, rcatl Jl. ltcvir¡atulus, lb. No. 8, rcatl P olyslo111ella calcar, P. lb. col. 2, No. 9, rcad P. cris¡ms. 11,. No. 10, rca<l Spiralina carillatula, S. ll.1. linc 21 from hot.tom, for 22, rcad 21. p. 3, col. 2, linc 18 from botlom, for Tync, rcad Tyningham p. 4, col. 1, Jinc 2 from bol- tom, for •I, rca<l 3 lb. col. 2, Jinc 7 from hoUom, for Lamarck, rc:lll DruguiCrc p. 5, col. l, No. 4, for caricosrm1, rcnd varico.ia. 11,. linc 13 from holtom, for 6·1, rcad 65 l b. Gcnus t,, for Lamnrck, rcad llruguiCrc p. 7, col. l, No. 15, for F. graci/et;, rcad Plcurolo11w yrllcilis p. 8, col. 2, Jinc ~. aftcr 33 add pl. Y. p. !>, col. 2, No. 2, for P. vinclus, rca<l Lacwia vincta, L. lb. No. 3, for P. ca11alis, rca<l Lac1111a ca11alis, L. p. 10, col. 1, Nos. ü, l:l, 9, 10, for P. rcad Lac1rn11, L. p. 11, col. 1, linc 11, dele apostrophc at Adams. lb. col. 2, No. JG, for acula, rcad lllllT[JÍllala and add Syns. of No. 55. lb. No. 19, for 57, rcad 67 p. 15, col. 2, No. 21, for 83, rcad 48 lb. for Gcnus Tunno, rcad LrrTORINA. lb. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, i, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, rcad L. for T, nnd Nos. 10, 15, IG, 17, rcad 1'1. for T. p. 18, col. 2, No. 5, add pl. LVII, f. 9, 10. lb. No. 6, for 5 and 8, rcad 2 and 3. p. 20, at all the numbcrs of thc Gcnus Spira, for C, rcad S. S. S. S. S. S. S. Page 21, col. 1, No. 3, for pi. XXI,* f. 1, 2, read pi. LVII, f. 7; l b. col. 2, No. 3, for 44, 45, read 34, 35, p. 22, No. 6, for pullus, read pulla, p. 24, col. 1, No. 1, linc 4, for iantlicna, read ianthina, lb. col. 2, for Adam- son, rcad Adanson. lb. No. 1, linc 6, acld p. 224; p. 25, No. 2, for pi. L XI, rcad LVII, lb. No. 4, f. 7, 11, rcfcrs to N. nítida, sec p. 130. lb. col. 2, dele Gcnus NEniTorni,:s, ancl unitc thc spccies with Littorina; for 1V. litto- i·alis, rcad L. Nc1·otoidcs, p. 26, col. 1, No. 1, linc l 1, for Montford, rcad Montfort, lb. col. 2, No. 1, linc 8, cicle Brarcl, Coq. de París, p. l 7'1, pi. 7, f. l; p. 28, col. l, bol- tom linc, for frngilcs, rcacl fmgilis, lb. col. 2, linc 27 from botlom, for f. l 1, rcacl 2G ancl linc 29, cicle f. 5. p. 29, col. l, linc 24 from bottom, for XV, rcad X, p. 31, col. l, No. l, linc 8, for p. 34, rcacl p. 48; p. 32, col. 1, No. 5, linc 7, for p. 35, rcacl 49; lb. No. 6, linc 1, for 49, rcacl 39, p. 33, col. 1, No. 9, linc 1, for 48, 49, rcad 50, 5 1. lb. col. 2, No. 10, line 2, aftcr 33 aclcl • ami linc 15, for cmsius, rcacl crassus, lb. No. l, li nc l, for 50, 51, rcad 48, 49. ami linc 3, for Ency. Brit., rcacl Edin. Ency., p. 34, col. 2, No. 2, aftcr 15 aclcl 15. lb. No. 1, linc 2, 15 inscrt "' and linc 7, for Odostoma, rcad Odostomia p. 35, col. 1, No. 1, for pi. XIV, rcacl XV, lb. col. 2, No. 2, for pi. XIV, rcad XV, p. ,11, col. 1, No. 1, aftcr 36 acld * p. ,1G, col. 1, 8th linc from bottom, for Carthusianella, rcad Cai·thusiana p. 4 i, cc,I. 1, No. 16, aftcr f. ,¡7 adcl * p. 51, col. 1, No. 30, aftcr 48 acle! * p. 58, col. 1, No. 3, fot pi. XIX, f. ,15, 4G, rcad LVII, f. 5, 6 ; ancl line 2, dele f. 1, 2. p. 63, col. 2, No. 2, line 3, for Dun., reacl Dan., p. 65, col. 2, No. 3, linc 1, for f. 20, rcad 7. p. 70, col. 1, No. 7, aftcr f. 12 acle! .. ~ lb. col. 2, No. 8, aftcr f. 13 add :,e_. Ib. No. 9, aftcr 15 add ·Y, p. 72, col. 2, No. G, fur N1vius, read Nn•Eus, p. 73, col. 2, No. 13, add pl. XXV, f. 8. p. 96, col. 1, No. 4, dele f. 11 and add 13. p. 103, col. 2, lowcr No. 2, for 14, rcad 15. p. 106, col. 2, No. 4, for f. 16, 17, rc,ul 19. p. 108, col. 2, No. 2, for f. 25, 26, rcacl 2G, 27. p. 112, col. 1, 4th line from bottom, aftcr 3 acle! * Ili. col. 2, No. 2, cicle sccond 2 and adcl ·Y.· p. 117, col. l, No. 1, nclcl 11, 12, 13. p. 118, col. 2, No. 1, for LVI, read LI, p. 119, col. 1, aftcr Va,·iety e, adcl f. 10. l b. col. 2, No. 2, for STIATUS, rcad STRIATus, p. 120, col. 2, No, 1, li11c 11, for Fig. 8, 9, read PI. LIV, f. 8,·Y, g;Y.· T HE FOLLOWING W O R K S, BY CAPTAIN T HOi\lAS DROWN, ill.W.S. , 111.P.S., ;\ll!;\ln>:n Ol' TIIY. ~1.\:,,.-CuEST>m GEOLOCHC,\L i,;ocu;Tv, J,.\T~ l'RJ :SIDY.ST 01' TIIE 110'\"AL J'Jl\"iHCAL SOClt!TV, .. ;Te , l>TC-, AHE l'UDLISIIED DY S)IITII, ELD!m, & CO., G.I, CORNIDLL, LONDO:\'. r. ILLl'STRATIONS OF THE CONCIIOLOGY OF GREAT llnITAIN ANO IRELAND. Sccond Eclition, wilh cousidcrnhlc A<lditions. Hoynl -lto. pricc ~3. 35. \Jds., contnin- ing Si:- cty-t.wo Pintes, with com¡,lctc D('S<'riptions, Localitics, ~':c. oí nll tite Spccics di~covcrcd up to thc prcscnt time, iuclmlins: 1'1nrinc, Lnrnl, nnd Prrsh ,vntcr, togc- thcr with n. rcprcscntation oí the Anim:1ls o í nll thc genera oí L:uul aml Pn•sh "'ntcr Shclls. Thc Rngrnvings oí th is ,vork are ncarly nll cxccutc<l by :ur. \V. 11. L1zAnS of Edin\Jurgh. 11. TIIE ELEi\lENTS OF FOSSIL CONCHOLOGY. Illnst r:itc,l by a wcll mnrkctl Spccies oí e Gcnus, F.nb 'Tnvcd on Stccl, by .A.1101,\s aml M11,:•rn, Jn onc vol. royal Wmo. with Twclvc Eugrnvings, pricc !>s. lxb JI(. ILLUSTRATIONS OF TIÍ E LAND AND FRESH WATER CONCIIOLOGY OF TIIB DRITISH ISLANDS. Containing'l'wcnty-!ó:e\"CTI Colourcd ] 'lates, with Figuresoí nll thc S¡lC'Clcs,:mtl n cprc- scntntions M thl' A11i11rnls oí each Gcnus; thcEnb'T:l.Ylngs by LtzAI\S nntl A1n.,1As. ln onc vol. roynl lh·o. prkc 1.':is- bds. ¡y. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LAND ANO FRESII WATER SHELLS OF IRELAND. Contni11 i11g Eightccn Colourcd l'lntes, with Figures o( nll thc S11ccic~, nnd Rrprcscn- tations o( thc AnimaIs of cach (icnu.s; thc Engrnvlugs by Lrz..tns nnd A1101As. ln onc \"OJ, dcmy Oro- pricc JO~. Cid, bds. Thcfollotci119 are in thc couru of11ublicaticm. r. ILLUSTHATIONS OF THE FOSSIL CONCHOLOGY 01' GREAT Dll!TAIN AND IHELAND. To be: complctcd in nbout. Twcnty-tl\'c Num1Jcrs, roynl -lto. contntnlng J•·ourColour('ll l'>lntcs, pricc 35-, or 2l:J. plnin;-in nll 100 Pintes, wlth c-omplctc Dcscrlptlons , Locnll- tics, nnd Gcologicnl Posltions of nll thC' Spcclcs. Thc J::ngrn,· lnga of thls \\pork nrc principnlly cngra\'cd , In thc Hrst stylc of nrt , by Lruus, AIK>IAN, nnd othcr t'Clc- bratcd Engrn\"crs of Etlinburgh. Twcnty-fou.r Numbcrs hn\·c nppco.rcd, nnd thc \\'ork will be spccdily complctctl.. 11. Sputfily tcill appoor, THE ELE)IENTS OF CONCHOLOGY. Jllustrntctl by Engruvings on Stccl , by L1zAns nnd A1K,1As, of nll thc Genera, Sub- Gcnem, nnd Scctlons, with thcir Ü('ncrlc Chnmctcro íully clucidatctl. . Tite ío~1owing C=-.tnlogues ~re for thc purposo of 1:\bcUing &J>eclmcus, or fncili- tntmg thc mtcrchnngc oí spcc1cs, nntl mny be obtalncd from thc Publishcrs O b • scnding thcir Ynluc :i.ncl postngc in postngc s tamps, n(ldrc•sscd to tite Curntor'or\ 1 .) .Muscmn , Mnnchcstc r. n.r rcmittlng tllirtccn postngc tstamps, copies wJII bo fo~~ wnn1l"ll by post. l. A C.\TAI.Oou..: ov TH F. n v.u.sT Co:,,.c1101.ocv uv Gn v.AT DIHTAJ;o,, ASD lni:- 1.Asn, <'lllhl':lcing th<' Gencrn nnd Spceies of Fkmlng, Orny , 'furton, Aldcr 1 Urown. Pricc Onr Shilling. ' nn< 11. A C,\T.\I.OGl"); 0 1' Tllt: l.ASO ,\;\'J) J:' A.F.S11 WATF.R S m : tLS 01' Gnt:AT DRITAJ~ ASD J1ua.A!'-D. l"rirc S ixpN1c:r, or SC\'t'.lnpcncc by post. · N'.D.- Ench Speclcs hns thc Gcneric namc prcf1xcll in full.
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