Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
l\IOLLUSCA. 13:l its _slop~ bcing convcx, ancl about a third shortcr than the pos- tenor s1dc; colour cream-whitc B. 11 1 . · 1cae l I ncar y two-twclfths nf an 111ch; lcngt.h not <¡uitc a lwclfth. Fou1HI among thc roots of aquatic plailts, in a ditch bctwccn Abcrdccn and Spita!. G1rnus PsA~lMOil!A,-(Pagc l0I.) 8. PsAM~tOlllA Fr.o¡noA, pl. XXXIX, f. 30 , Psa111mobiaJlorida, Turton Biv ¡> S6 1 f 6 . ' ., . 'p. , .. ::-ihcll tra11~1·crscl)'. oblong-ovatc, rathcr convcx, cqually round- rtl at both snlcs; l11n"c with a single cJ . ft t ti · .· . . .º e oo I m onc valve, "1th ''. p1t on cach s1de for thc reception of two tceth in the oppos1tc valvc; surface smooth, with closc-set co t · t · . . . , nccn ne s nrc, ami mmutc long1tmhnal ones; variously marked with transversc ~ones of redor ycllow, anti longitu<linally ra<lialed; insi<lc vary- 111g from pale ycllow to rich rcddish-lilac. Lcnrrth half an inch. brcadth one inch. 0 ' Inhabits the ºWestern coast of England, and the Eastcrn of Ireland. D. PsAMMOlllA cosTULATA, pl. XXXIX, f. 3,1. Psammobict cost11lata, Turton, Biv., p, 87, pi. 6, f. 8. Sh~ll transversely oblong-oval, thin, slightly angular at the antenor end, where there are about twclve fine, divcr"ent, lon- gitudinal ribs emanating from the umbones, which ar: straight, a little prominent, and ncarly central; whole surface with very minute, longitudinal, and somewhat more open transversc strfre; colour varying from pale yellow to deep purplc, aml markcd with blotches ami stripcs of palc crimson; hinge with a slightly cleft tooth in one valve, locking betwcen two in the othcr, one of which is slightly cloven; in,iclc same colour as thc externa! surface, but more vivid. Lenrrth half an inch; breadth an inch. 0 Founcl at Torbay alHI the lrish Channel. GE1>us SrnENIA,-(Page 104.) 4. Sl'HENIA C0STULATA, Sphenia costulata, i\Iacgillinay, Moll. Ab., p. 301. Shell conve.x, very thin, sub<liaphanous ami glossy, traus- Yersely-ornte, equnlly rounded at both sidcs, the anterior ouc considcr;ibly shorter; umbones small, afül slightly protruding; whole surface with faint, concentric strirc, and with about fifteen slightly clevated, radiating ribs; tooth thin, au<l of an clongated !amellar form; colour white. Length a twelfth of an inch; breadth a twelfth and a half. Found among shcll sand, from the Bay of Cruden, by i\lr. Murray. GE.-;us 1.-STYLIFEn~Broderip. Shell thin, pcllucid, turbinatcd; spire narrow, its ape.x a littlc off the perpendicular; aperture wide bclow, and narrowed abovc, with an acute tcrmination. The shells of this genus burrow in thc rays of star fish. l. STYL!FER ASTERIC0LA, P· 10, pi. X, f. ,10, ,J.J . Phasianella sl!Jlifera. The genus Stylifcr is now transfcrrcd to the family Serpu- lacea, but we have grcat doubts as to this being its propcr situation in the system. ALPI-IABETICA.L LIST OY THE PltINCIPAL AUTHORS TO WHICH REFERENCE HAS BEEN l\IADE IN THE FOREGOING \YORK. Adams, lllicros. Essny 011 the l\Iicroscope, &c., by George Adnms, 2nd Edit. 4to. London, 1í98. Adnms, Linn. Tr. Description of some minute Brilish Shells, by John Adnms. Trnnsnctions of the Linnenn Society, V. Alder, llfag. Zoo!. nnd Bot. Notes on the Lnnd nnd Fresh Water Mol- luscn of Grent Britnin, &c. l\Ingnzine of Zoology nnd Botnny. II, hy .Toshua Alder. ___ Catalogue of Lnnd :uul Fresh Water Testaceous llfollusca, found in the Vicinity of Newcastle-11pon-Tyne, &c. Trnnsactions of thc Natural History Society of Northumuerland. 1830.-lb., Sup. 181i. Alten, .J. W. Von. Systcmatiche auhandlung über die Enl-und Fluss- conchylicr Augsbourg, &c. 1812, 13cau, .Mag. Nat. Hist. Undescribe,l Shclls in Loudon's Magazine of Natural History, Vlll, by William Bcan. 1834. Bennet Zoolo«icnl Joumal, I, p. 29S. Description of nn hitherto un~uhlish;tl Specics of Buccinum, by E. T . Bennet. 1824. Berkeley, Zoo!. .Journ. Description of sc,•ernl BriLish Shells, &c. Zoo- logical ,Jo1tl"llnl, IV. mul V, hy the Rev. ~l. G. Berkeley. 1828-9. Brnrd, Coc¡. de Pnris. Histoire de• Coquilles terrestres et flU\•intiles qui vivent aux Envirou de Paris, by C. Prospcr Drnrd, 2 vols. 81·0. 1808. llroderip, Zoo!. Jo 11 rn. Dcscription of two ncw Species of Duccinum, hy W. J . Broderip. .Zoologicnl Journnl, V. 1835. 2L Brown, Conch. Text Book. The Concl10Jogist's TexL Dook, occording to the system of Lnmarck, by Cnptnin Thomns llrown. 1833. -- Edin. Journ. Nnt. and Geo. Science. Description of severnl new British Shells. Edinburgh Journnl of Nnturnl History nnd Geogrnphical Science, I. Jt'2í. -- Articlo Conchology. Encyclopedin Britannicn, sixth Edition, VI, p. 385. -- Article Conchology. Encyclopedin Edinensis, 11. p. 533. -- Article Conchology. Popular Encyclopedin, II. ¡,. 374. -- Account of the Irish Testacea. lllcmoirs of the W ernerinn Natural History Society, II. 181 i. Bruguicre, Encyclopedie )léthodique. Article Vers. 4lo. 1792. Chemnilz. New Syslem of Conchology, in German, by F. H. \V. llfartini nnd J. H. Chemnitz, 11 vols. 4to. 1769-1788, Clarke, Ann. nnd. llfag. Nnt. Hist. On tho Specics of the Genus Limnx occurring in Ireland, uy the Rev. D. J. Clarkc. Annals and l\laga- zine of Natural History, XV, p. 332. Da Costa. Historia Nnlurnlis Testaceorum Briwnnire, English ami French, by Emnnucl ~-!endes Da Costa, 4to. London, 17í8. Dillwyn, L. W. Descriptivo Cntnlogue of Recent $helis, 2 vols. Donovnn, Edward. Natural llistory of British Shells, ó vo)s. royal 81"0, 1804. Drapernaud, J. P. R. Histoire Nnturelle des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluvintiles de In Fmncc, 4to. 1805.
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