Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
l\fOLLUSCA. 131 which it may possibly be mcrcly a var·iht,· TI · • , .., , • te spec1men, ho11;cvcr, prcscnts charactcrs pcrfcctly distinct from it." f· onnd by Mi•s An 1v• ·11· - ne • ,acg1 1vray, amon" corallincs brour,ht up from dccp water off Abcrdccn. " " TESTACELLA.-(Pagc 54.) A~DIAL _with an clongatccl hody, narrowcd in front and proviclcd w1th two diYcrgcnt groovcs, issuing from th: forc part of th~ maulle, and tcnninating at thc head; mantlc small, covcrccl w1th an aurifonn shcll, situatc on thc hindcr part of thc bocly. l. TESTACELLA 1-IALIOTOIDEA, pi. LIX, f. 17. Ti Testacellus 1!ªl~otoides, Férussac, Hist. Moll., pl. 8, f. 5; estaccll<t llal10toulca, Drapcrnaud, pl. 8, f. 44, ,15; Thomp- son, Ann. and l\fo". Zool. and 13ot VI ¡1 19 · lb M N t . o ., , • , ., ag. a. 1-Itst., VII, p. 226, f. 39. A~rnAL with cylinclrical tcntaclcs; grey, ycllowish, or palc rc<ld1sh; spottc_<l on thc si<lcs bcncath in somc spccimcns ; bo<ly clongatc, tapermg from thc shicld to thc head. Founcl in a gardcn, at Lambcth, by Mr. Sowcrby. GENUS Lnux.-Férussac.-(Pagc 55.) ANIMAL_with an clongatccl, lanccolatc, granular bocly, cari- natcd bclun<l ; mantle shiel<l-shapccl, ovale, conccntrically lincatccl, cntirely cnveloping the shcll; cn<l of thc tail tapcr- ing, ancl destitute of a glancl; pulmonary cavity situatcd in front of thc body, rcspiratory orífice towards thc hindcr part of its cdgc, or bchind thc middlc; infrarosophagcal ganglion provided with two fissures bclow, prcscnting on each side of the medial line three gangliform prominenccs. Thc following is the arrangemcnt of the Rev. B. J. Clarke. Section I.-21'1antlc producecl beliind, concentricall!J sti-iate; tail pm·tiall!J carinated. l. LrnAx 1vL\xrnus, pi. LVIII, f. 3. L ·ima.1: 1"1fa:i:imus, Thompson, Ann. and Mag. Nat. 1-Iist., VI, p. 18; Clarke, lb., XII, p. 333, pi. 10, f. 1, 2; Limax mac1t- latus, l\füller, p. 8; Drapernaud, p. 12,1, pi. 7, f. 10. ANIMAL ash-coloured, spottcd or immaculatc; tcntacles venous-colonred; kcel long, white, a11CI acule; rnantlc with its hincler extremity produccd, shield-shaped; skin with small, linear rugositics, converging towards the caudal cxtremity. Vm·iet!} 1. Drapcrnaud ; pl. LVIII, f. 3. Shielcl spotted; back with black, longit11dinat, broacl lineatimis. Vm·ict!} 2, pi, LVIII, f. 3. Ash-coloured ancl black. Cinereo-nigci·, Nilsson, p. 7. 2. LrnAX ARD0nEus, pl. LIX, f. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Lima.i· arboreus? M. Boucharcl Chantrcux, Cat. eles Moll. ferres. et Jluv. du Pas de Calais; Lima.i· glaucus, Clarkc, Aun. ancl Mag. Nat. Hist., XII, p, 33,1, pi. 11, f. 4 to 10. ANl~IAL whitish-ycllow, smooth, ami variegated; ·shield with two black, dorsal bands; tcntaclcs obscurc. Found on trecs covercd wilh moss; the Ash ancl Elm secm a fal'ourite rcsort. Section II.-21fantlc ?'ounded bchind, and conccnfricall!J sti-iatc ; eml of thc tait cat·inatcd. 3. LIMAX f'LAYUS, pl. LIX, f. i, s. Lima,i· Jfavus, Drapernaud; Clarkc, Ann. and l\fag. Nat. Hist., XII, p. 338, pi. 11, f. l 1, 12; Lima.i· vai·iegatus, Férussac. A1'DIAL yellowish, spotted with brown ; t he tentaclcs azure- blue; mantlc mottled with yellow; body more or lcss spottcd with yellow, ami the s ides palc ycllow. Found in cellars and <lamp grouncl lloors, and rarcly upon trecs. Section III~1"1lcmtle frimcatecl bel;iml, co11ccntricall!J stn·- ate; cml of tail cai·biated. 4. LIMAX AGRESTIS, pl. LIX, f. lG. L ima.i· ag1·estis, Linn. Syst. Nat., II, p. 1082; Nunneley, Local Cat., pl. !, f. 4; Thompson, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., VI, p. 19; Clarke, Ib., XII, p. 338, pi. 12, f. 13. A1'IMAL grey or rcddish, frcqucntly spottcd with brown; body with interrupted furrows, and providecl with a short, obliquc carina; mantic large, ovate, rounded bchind, ami con- centrically striate. Inhabits ficlds ancl open situations. Scction 1 V.-1"1fantle ti-u,icutecl bcldiul, gramtlatccl o,• ~-lia- gi·cened; back ca1·inatcdfrom the mantlc to thc t•.vtremit!J, 5. LmAx Sommnu, pl. LVIII, f. G, a11CI pi. LIX, f. 1-1. Lima.v Sowerbii, Férussac, H ist. l\foll., pi. 8 D, f. i; ,\lder, l\fag. Zool. ami 13ot., II, p. 105; Clarkc, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., XII, p. 338, pi. 12, f. 1,1, 15. ANIMAL pale yellow, tcssellated with brown, hcad ami tcn- tacles black; mantle granulatcd, with a furrow near its margin ; dorsal kecl ambcr-coloured, and very conspicuous; sides crcam- whitc. Found in open situations. 6. LJMAX GAGATES, pi. LVIII, f. 4, 5, nnd pi. LIX, f. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Lima.v gagates, Drapcrnaud, pi.!), f. l, 2; Clarkc, Aun. an<I Mag. Nat. Hist., XII, p. 339, pi. 12, f. 16 to 22. ANIMAL shining black; body with subrugose striro, the back carinatcd; mantlc truncated postcriorly, an<l granulatccl; cir- cumscribecl by an elcvated riclgc, which mects in a point ncnr tite pulmonary orifice, making thc upper portion of the mnntlc appcar more promincnt than thc resl; back abruptly carinated its whole length from thc mantlc; whcn at rest thc kccl pro- jccts abovc the mantle, and forms a r,nrinated ridge. Vciriet!} l. Férussac; pi. LVIII, f. 4, 5, nnd pi. LIX, f. 2. Lead-coloui"CCl o,• grc!Jislt-blaclc. Variel!J 2. Clarke. Brown; with the sides of thc mantlc ycllowisli. Founcl by thc Rev. B. J. Clarke, nt Tourmakacly Lodge, on the borders of Lough Mash, Irclancl. Sun-GENUS BULL,·EA-(Pagc 57.) 3, BULL,EA CATENULIFERA, BullaJa catc111tlifcra, Macgillivray, !\foil. Ab., p. 187. Shcll very thin, transparcnt, purc whitc, oblong, cylindrica), truncatc abovc, widcr ancl roundc<l bclow; nperture cxtending the whole length of the shcll, narrowcd above for about a fourth of its spacc, and thcn dilntcd into nn oblong truncatcd form ; outer lip very thin; eolumella exposcd, nnd gently
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