Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
130 MOLLUSCA. Shell conical, ovale; consisting of lh·e deeply defi.ned, rat_her thick, opaque, glossy, flat-sid~d voluti?ns, covered w1th long1tu- dinal, fine, plicated strire, wluch ternunale about the centre_ of the body i·olution, and are succecded ~y threc or four sp'.rnl strire, the lower portian of the bocly plam ; aperture occupymg not quite half the length of the bod~, ovale, sub~ngular below, and somewhat acule above ; outer hp rathcr tlun ; columellar Jip provided with a slight plait. Length_ not quite the twcnty- fourth of an inch; diameter about half 1ts length. "Similar to Jaminia intc,·st,·iata, but dilfering in having the volutions more llattened, the plicro more numerous, the colu- mellar plait smallcr, and in having thc spiral striro on the body.'' Fonnd by Profcssor :rviacgillivray, among shell sand, on the bcach near the Broaclhill, Aberdecnshire. 12, JAMINIA MARION,1!. Oclostomit, 11fm·ionm, Macgillivray, l\íoll. Ab., p. 156. Shell thin, diaphanous, glossy, conical, 01•ate; with fi~e volutions, which are finely plicated longitudinally, and deh- cately striated spirally ; the superior edge of each ,•olution in the form of a plaited rib; aperture ovatc, occnpying nearly thc entire lcnglh of the body; ouler lip slightly thickcned, not rellexcd on thc pillar, bnt ending in a Ycry slight plait behind the umbilicus, which is vcry small; colour crcam- while, Length thc twenty-fourth of an inch; diameter half its length . "The peculiar markings of this spccics render it one of the most easily recognised of the genus. The tooth is so little apparent, werc nol the pcristomc incomplcte for a short spaee, it might be rcfcrrccl to the gcnus Uissoa, to which it forms the trnnsition.'' Founcl by Profcssor l\facgillivray, in shell sand, betwecn the estuariC?s of lhe Dee all{l Don. }3. JAMINIA ANN,"E. Oclostoma Amuc, Macgi llivray, Moll. Ab., p. 157. Shcll thick, opaque, glossy, white, oblong, turreted; spire consisting of four llat-sided volutions, which are clivided by a shallow sutura! liue; body convex, all{I proportionably large; aperture ornle, ncarly a third of thc whole lcngth; outer lip thin; the inner lip somcwhat inílcxed, and terminating in a small plait on thc columclla, opposile thC? slight umbilicus. Length the twenty-fourth of an iuch; diamcter a thircl of its lcngth. Distingnishcd from ali the others by its peculiar form. Found by Miss Anne Macgillivray. 14. JA~ll:-IIA OllLONGA. Odostomin oblo11ga, Macgillivray, l\Ioll. Ab., p. 15i. Shell ~blong, 1 subcyliudrical, gradually tapcring to an obtusc apcx; sp_1rc wit 1 four flat-si(~ed l'olutions, dividcd by a dcep sutura! lme, thc thrce superior oncs smooth, the lowcr one, togcthcr with the bocly, with uumcrous, fine, longitudinal ribs; :iperture 01·ate, a fourth of thc whole lcngth; the onter lip tcrminating about the middlc of the columclla, in a prominent plait, nmning into the interior. L('nglh scareely a twenty- fourth of an inch; diametcr a third of its length. "Vcry similar in fo_rm a1HI ma_rkings to Rissoa (P!Jrami.l) tr1111cata; but not a time! of the s1ze, ami having the cssential charactcr of an Odoslomia.'' ( Jaminia.) GENUS NATICA,-( Page 2•1.) 7. NATICA HELECÜIDES, pi. ,xnr, f. 2,1,_ 25. ¡Vaticci ltelecoiclcs, J ohustonc, f;ans. Berw1ck Club, 1835, p. 266 . Lyell, Phi!. Mag,, s. 3, v. XVI, p. 365, f. 12; Jcffreys, A 'i l\1~" Nat Hist., VIII, p. 165. 1111 . am "o" • . . Shell thin, ovale; bocly largc, 111/latcd; sp1rc small, consist- ing of threc rather tum'.d l'olutions, well clefinecl by thc sutura! Jine, ancl tcrminating m a s0~11e11·!rnt obtuse apcx; apcrture oblong-ol'ate, oblique; ou:er hp thm,_ ~nd ~harp al_ thc edgc; inner lip narrow, with a s1111p~e u1'.1b1hc~I hne behmd; whole surface coverecl with a very tlun ep1derm1s, of a pale yellowish- white. Length nearly three-eighths of an inch; breadth about a quarter. Found on the Berwickshire coast, by D r. Johnstone; in thc Frith of Forth, by my friencl Dr. Knapp, of Edinburgh, from whosc specimcn I took my figure; an<l l\lr. Jefli-cys found it by dredging in Lerwick Sound, Zctland. 8, NATICA NITIDA, pl. XIU, f. 7, 11. Natica mammilla, First Ed., pi. 43, f. 7, 11 ; l\faton and Rackett, p. 225; Ncritc, nitida, Donovan, IV, pi. 1'14; Mou- tagu, Sup., p. 149; Natica nítida, Fleming, p. 3 19. Shell subovate, white, very glossy, ancl smooth; body very large, inflated; spire small, consisting of four slightly roundcd volutions, with a very slight sutural liuc, a little flattened toward~ the margin, termiuating in an acule apex ; aperture a littlc obliquc, semiluna1·, rounded both above ami below; outer lip thin at the edgc; inner lip nanow; umbilicus striatcd interually, all{\ almost entirely filled by a callus process; whole surface with cxtremely fine, nearly obsoletc stria), which can only be secn by the aicl of a strong lens. Length upwards of three-cighths of an inch; brcaclth a quarter. Found near Caithness; the Friths of Forth ancl Clycle. 9. NATICA llUTILA. JS'atica ?'tttila, Macgillivray, Moll. Ah., p. 126. Shcll thick, glossy, subglobose, its breadth more than its length ; spire short, consisting of three spirally striate, much inílatecl volutions, wilh a narrow, channelled su ture, which is marginccl by a white baucl; bocly Yentricose; apcrturc sub- orate, ami placed obliquely, its inner side ncarly straight; outcr lip thin; i11ncr lip thickened; umbilicus strongly sulcated; wherc it is somewhat rellexecl, but not prominent; externa! surfacc of a dull grcyish-red, base of a paler hue; iusi<le rcd<lish-white; operculum semicircular, cornuous, and spirate. This species seems intermecliate between 1Vatica moniliji:ra, an<l Natica 1·1ifa of Montagu. Founcl by Mr. Alexancler Murray, at Frar.erburgh. 10. NATICA SQUALIDA. 1Yatica sr¡ualida, Macgillivray, ]\foil. Ab., p. 128. Shell thick, subglobose; body large; spire small, drprcsscd, with lwo ancl a half inflaled, spirally s lriatecl l'olutions, ter111i- nating in an obtuse apcx, delinee! by a s11bca11:ilirulate suture ; apertmc ovate, somcwh:it augulatccl bclow, oblir¡ne, ami cloublc the length of the spire; inncr Jip reflcctcd oYcr thc coln111clla, but rcry thin, ancl lcal'ing ralhC?r a dcep fissurc in thc mnbilir:11 space, 011 which there is 110 callusil y; colour ycllowish-whitc. Length threc and a half twclfths oi a11 i11ch; · b rca,lth 1hrcc- twclfths. This spccics "bears a grcat allinity to Natica lu:licoides, of
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