Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
M:OLLUSCA. GENus RrssoA,-(Pagc lO.) [í{j, R1ssoA TRISTRIATA. Risso<t l·ristriata, Thom¡ison Aun N t 1_1. "' . . ' • a • 1st., , pi. 2 f lo . !lfacg1llirray, Mol!. Ab., p. 151. ' ' · ' Shcll conical, ovatc, thin glossy sub<l' 1 b . 1 ' , 1ap 1anous; ody vcn- tricosc, somc11· 1at longcr than thc s¡iirc . · . . , sp1rc cons1stmcr of four modcratcly convcx volutions dcfmc(l b ¡ 1 ° l . . . ' Y a rat ter s 1allow ,;utural me, \\'luch 1s accompanicd by a narr . · ¡ ¡· • . 011 sp1ra me, w1th also two smallcr !mes an<l thrcc strire tcri 11 • t' · ' ma mg m a rathcr obtmc apcx ; apcrturc !aro-e, of a short ornl f ¡ l lf I o orm, anc occupy- ing about 1a t 1c lcngth of thc body • outcr ¡· ti · ¡ · . . . , •p 1111, e cstitutc o~ any ~h'.ckcn111g bchm<l ;_ colour yellowish-whitc, thc body \\'lth th1 ce b~t)(ls of_squar1sh rcd-colourc<l spots. Lcnoth a twclfth of an mch; cliamctcr two-thir<ls of its Jength. 0 Found by Mr. Alcxancler Murry, in shcll sand, from thc Ba of Crudcn. Y 57, RISSOA GRACILIS. Risso<t gmcilis, Macgillivray, Moll. Ab., p. 152. Shell thin, pellucicl, glossy, turreted, subcylindrical; consist- ing of ~ix mo<lerately c_onvex volutions, <lcfined by a clccp sutura\ !me; apcrture obhqucly ovate, a little contracted above occupying about a fourth of thc entire lcngth of the shell; oute; lip complete, a little thickenecl externally; inncr Jip narrowly reflect_cd on the columella, with a slight cavity behind; body ferrugmous around thc aperture; spire cream-white. Length somewhat more than the twe\fth of an inch ; diameter a fourth of its length. In form it resembles Rissoa st1·iata, ancl is ncarly allied to Rissoa 1·uber, attenuated with a roun<led aperture. but is more clongatcd, which, howevcr, is lcss Found by Miss Anne Macgillivray, in shcll sane!, on the beach betwcen the estuaries of the Dce ancl Don, Aberdcen- shirc. GENUS TnocHus.-(Pagc 18.) 14. Tnocnus MAnTrn1, pi. LVII, f. 11. Troclms il1a1·ti1d, Brown, \-Vernerian Mem., VIII, p. 51, pi. 1, f. 26. Shcll conical ; consisting of scven flat-siclccl volutions, wcll defincd bv the suture, and tcrminating in an acuto apex; the wholo co;cred with fivc or six tubcrculated spiral ridges, which can only be distinclly secn by the aid of a strong lons, thc lowcr ridge of oach volution boing more prominont than thc óthers; base imperforatc, flat, and a little concave, furnished with numcrous tuberculate, conccntric riclges; whole surface citron or flesh-coloured, streakecl with ncarly equidistan!, rccl- clish-brown, incgularly-shapecl spots; apertura subquaclrate, comprcssccl, ancl nacred within. . . First discovorcd by l\fojor Martin, of Mayvillo, Ayrslnrc; 1t has sinco bcen clredgccl by Mr. Smith, of Jorclan Hill, in the Kylcs of l3utc • by Profcssor Forbes, off the Islc of Man; ancl ncar Dublin, by Mr. Alclcr, of Ncwcastlo; ancl is said to have hccn founcl on tho Abcrclconshirc coast. 5. Tnocuus PERF0RATUS, p, 18, pi.LVII, f. 9, 10. GENUS TonNATELLA,-(Page 21.) 2. TonNATELLA PELLUCIDA, To1·natella pcllucida, Macgillivray, l\'foll. Ab., P· 158 ' 2K 12!) Shcll OYate, ,·cry thin, cliaphanous, ami glos,y, conical, somc- what fu·iform • , ¡ t' ¡· · 1 1 b • , 'o u 1ons e ll'IC C( y a wcll dcfinecl sutura\ line, ncarly flattcncd on thc sidcs, and tapcring to a sharp apcx, and are longitudinally striulated, ami spirally striatod; body nc~rly twicc as broad as thc length of thc spiro, more clccply Slriatcd at thc base an<l towards the suture, whoro thore are two punctulate imprcsscd lines, the basal strire minutcly cronu- late; edgc of thc volutious simply incun-cd; apcrt urc oblong, narrow, tho superior angle being consiclcrably contracted by thc convexity of thc lowcr volution of tho spire; outcr lip cxtromcly thin; columclla_with an obscurc plait; colom cream- white, with two faint reddish bands 011 thc body. Lcngth somcwhat more than an cighth of an inch; diametcr more than half its length. "It closcly rcsembles a young Tonrntellafasciata, but cliffcrs in having thc spire lougcr ancl more pointod, in wanting thc channel in thc suture formed by tho involution of tho spira\ turns, in having two impressccl lincs near tho posterior margin of tho turns, and in being differently colourod. Thc thrcc reddish bands, howcvcr, are analogous to the rccldish spaccs betwcen the white bands in To,·1zatcllítfCtsciata." Found in the Bay of Aberdcen, by Profcssor Macgillinay. 3. TORNATELLA l'USILLA, Tornatella JJ1tsilla, l\facgillivray, Mol!. Ab., p. 158; Voluta f1,siformis, Turton, Conch. Dict., p. 25!). Shc\l vcry thi n, transparcnt, glossy, ovale, conical, a1Hl suh- fusiform; spirc with threo distinctly cliviclcd, slightly com·cx vo\utions, tapering to an obtuso apcx; body about twico as broa<l as tho length of tho spirc, with thrcc spiral, punctulatc slrire, which are strongcst below, obsolctc ancl distan! 011 thc upper two-thirds, crowclcd towarcls thc suture; apcrlure oblong, narrow, considcrably contractcll at its uppcr cxlrcmity, by thc convexity of the lowcr Yolutions; outcr lip exlremcly thin ; columella with an incon~picuous, obliquc, obtusc plait or nodo- sity, torminaling tho inncr lip; colour croam-white. Lcngth onc-twelfth of an inch; brcaclth half thc lcngth. " This spccies has thc spire shortcr than Tonzatella fasciat<t and Tonzatclla JJCll-11cida. It scems to agrco in most rcspccts with Turton's Voluta fusifonnis, but diffcrs in bcing only a third of thc sizc, and spirally striate." GE:-;us JA~IINIA,-(Pagc 21.) 10. JAMINIA SCALARIS, Odostomia scala1·is, Macgillivray, Moll. Ab., p. 154. Shcll thin, transparont, and glossy, ovatcly conica\; consisting of five faintly striatcd, modorately com·cx volutions, we\l dcfined by a canaliculatc suture, towards which thc superior margin is suddcnly inflexcd; apertura o\'atc, occupying ncarly thc who\c Jength of thc body; outcr lip thin; columellar lip somewhat inflexed, a11Cl terminating in a -prominent plait on the columclln; colour crcam-white. Lcngth nota twclfth of an inch; breadth half ils length. !lfacgilliHay says "this spccics dilfcrs from ali thc othcrs, in having thc pillar lip inflcxcd, in wanting the umbilicus, and in thc subscalar form of thc spire.'' Found by Profcssor Macgillivray, in shc\1 sa~d, bctween thc estuarios of the Dee and tho Don, Aberdconslure. 11, JAMIXIA PLICATULA, Odostomia plicatula, Macgillivray, Moll. Ab., p. 156.
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