Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water

128 MOLLUSCA. GENUS 18,-LACUNA-Turton. Shell thin, subglobose, or 01•ately subconical; spire short, somelimes 1•ery short, with a somewhal obtuse apex; volutions somewhat tumid; apcrture subrotund, or subol'ate; outer lip thin, ncvcr reflectcd, and incompletc posteriorly; columclla usually broad, an<I dcprcssed, with an clongatcd, narrow umbili- cus bchind it; wholc outcr surfacc col'cred with a very thin, horny epidermis. l. LACUSA RETUSA, pi. X, f. 52, 53. Lutea lacu11a, First Ed., pi. ,J6, f . 52, 53. Shcll vcry thin, subglobosc, hyalinc, ami of a grcenish-browu colour; spire extremcly small, harclly clcvatcd abovc thc bocly, and consisting of two volutions; body with a subcarinatcd zone in the centre; apcrture obliquely ovale; outcr lip thin, ami sharp at the cdge; pillar lip narrowly rcílectccl, with a slight slit behind. Found at Dunbar, by Gcncr..l Ilingham. 2. LACUNA l'ALLIDULA, pi. XIII, f. 17, 1(). Natica palli- dula, p. 25. 3. LACUNA VINCTA, pi. XIII, f. 46. Phasia11clla vinctus, p. 9. 4. LACUNA QUADRII'ASCIATA, pi. XIII, f. 35. Turbo qua- clrifasciatus, p. 16. 5. LACU:SA DIFASCIATA, pi. XIII, f. 4,1, 45. Plwsianella bifiisciat<t, p. IO. 6. LACUNA CORNEA, pi. XIII, f. 47. Phasitmellci co1·11ea, p. 10. 7, LACUNA CASALIS, pi. XIII, f. 48. Plwsianell<t canalis, p. !). 8. LACUNA l',ISCIATA, pi. XIII, f. 5'!. Plwsianella .fas- ciata, p. 10. !). LACUl',,\ l\'.loNTAGUJ, pi. LVII, f. s. Ilclü· lacwia, Monta«u p. ,12s, pi. 13, f. 6; Maton ancl Hacket t, p. 20 l. 0 ' Shcll thin, smooth, pellucicl, subglobose, of a light horn- colour; bocly largc, tumicl; spire small, consisting of thrcc «lcprcsscd ,·olutions, thc apicial onc vcry small, ami placed so'.ncwh_al la~erally; aperturc largc, suhoval; outcr lip very thm; pillar hp reíleclecl, all(l white; with a groove-like canal, which termin~tes in a small, but clcep umbilicus. Lcngth a c¡uarter of an 111ch ; breaclth nearly the samc. l\fontagu,-on whosc authorit.y 11·e gil'e this shell,- says, "it 1~m~l nol be confouncled with Lacww pallidula, whosc pillar hp 1s somcwhat of the same form, but much broaclcr; thc smnl- lcr rnlutions more lateral, all(] more comprcssecl; thc body ami mouth also are grcatly la.rger." Founcl 011 the Dernnshire coast, ami 011 the shorc ncar Southampton. Gr-::-us 21.-::.\lAnG.\nIT,1.-Lcach. Shell trochiform, deprcssecl; rnlutions fcw, well clcflnccl by thc suture ; base of bocly subdcpressccl, all(I prol'idcd wi1h a largc umbilicus; npcrture 11carly circular, ancl COl'erecl by a horny opcrculum, consisting of fcw l'Olutious. 1. ?llAnG,1R1TA 2. l\lARGAlllTA p. 17. A UREA, pi. X, f. 23. 1'111"bo a111"c11s, p. 17. CAl\:SEA, pi. X, f. 36, 37. Tm·bo cm·11c11s, 3. MARGARITA MARGARITACEA, pi. X, f. 28, 2!). Tui·l,o ma,-gai·ita, p. 17, 4. MARGARITA OLIVACEA, pi, X, f. 30, 31. T urbo ol-ivacea, p. 17, GENUS 22.-LITTORINA-Férussac. Shcll turbinatecl, gcncrally ovate, or oblong-ol'ate, for thc most part thick ami solicl; spirc acuminatc<l and subturrctc<l in somc specics; very short ancl obtusc at thc apex in others; apcrturc enl irc, round, or $lightly clliptical, somctimes a littlc acule obove; outcr lip sharp-cclged, thickcnc<l within; colu- mclla somcwhat ílattcned; operculum spiral, horny, ancl elastic, consisting of a fcw rapi<lly cnlarging volutions, and furnished with a central nuclcus. This genus to be substitutecl for that of TuRno, page 15 : it also comprchcncls thc genus NEmTomEs, p. 25, and consists of the following species, namcly, I. LITTORISA LITTOREA, pi. X, f. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9. Tm·bo littoi·eus, p. 15. 2. LITTOHI NA Ruo1s, pi. X, f. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ancl 25. T11-1'bo ?'1ulis, p. 15. 3. LrrTOI\IKA JUGOSA, pi. X, f. 15, lG. Turbo jugosus, p. 16. 4. LITTOI\INA TENEnnos,1, pi. X, f. 18, l 9, Tul'bo te11c- b1·os11s, p. 16. 5. LIT'fOI\I:SA PETRiEA, pi. X, f. l 7. Ttl1'bo pefr(c11s, p. 16. 6. LITTORINA LAíllATA, pi. X, f. 20, 21. T urbo labiata, P· IG. 7. 8. 9, p. 16. L ITTOI\INA VE1'TRicos,1. Tm·ho vent?-icos11s, p. IG. LITTOI\INA DISPAR, pi. X, f. 22. Tm·bo dis¡uo·, p. 16. L1TTOR11',1 z1cz,1c, pi. X, f. 26, 27. T111·bo ::ic::ac, J 0. LITTORINA .formis, p. 17. NEI\ITII'OR)IA, pi. X, f. 2-1, T111'bo ne1·iti- l ]. LITTORINA p. 17. I'ABALIS, p]. X, f. 38, 39. T111·bo fabali,·, 12. L1TTORINA STRIATULA, pi. X, f. 33, 3-J. T 111"bo sll'ia- t11lus, p. 17. 13. LnTon1¡¡,1 NERITomEs, pi. XIII, f. 1-l, Jii, 21, 22. 1Vc1·itoirlcs liltomlis, p. 25. 1-l. LtTTORINA SEXA1'1LIS, pi. LVII, f. 21, 22. Litto1·i11a sc.1:11/ilis, J ohnston, Trans. Berwick. Nat. Hist. Cl~1~, III, p. 268; i\Iacgillinay, l\Ioll. Ab., p. 138; Turbo se.r- atd1s, l3can, i\ISS. She_ll moclerately thick, subglobose, slightly conical; lcngth ami cliamcter ncarly cqual; $pire about a thinl of thc lcn!!th, cousisti,'.g of thrcc spirally striate,I volution,, clil'iclctl by a ,l;cp, wcll dthnccl suture; bocly s0111cwhat tlatlcned abol'c. ami a littlc angular below;. apcrlure amplc, ucarly orbil'ular, an;I ,lc,•p cho- colate-brown w1thin; outcr lip thin, allll unitcd to thc bo,h in an angular fo rm ; inncr lip narrowh· rellectcd on the colum~lla, ancl prol"iclcd with ¡- l t . 11 · . . . a s rg 1 <a osr ty, all(I 1, of a brown1,h-pmplc colour · cxtcnnl surfa~, •· - .· · ¡ 1 · · ¡ . ' · • •,_e '.u) 111g 111 ro 0 11r, ,,~,n~ wl11tc, vd ow, 0 ~ cmcrcous, tc$sclalctl with dull lmnrn or olil'~. Lcn~th allll clianictcr upwards of a quarlcr of an ind1. ~ Fo:mcl 0 11 thc Yorbhirc coa,t, by '.\Ir. BL'an, of Scarborough; a n cl l _'.·ofo,:;or l\Iargillinay gil'cs as loeal itiL'S the :\bcnlcc11,hire a111l h.111carclinc coast:;.