Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
i\IOLLUSCA. 127 G1rnus fusus.-(Pnge 6.) :lli. l~u~~s lhun.o;-; 1cus, pi. LVI[, f. I !). Shell l 11s1form, s11bcdillllric·1I. body· 1 . 11· 1 1. • • ' ' aige, o> 1r111e y ílaltenetl auo1·c; ~¡me not n third lhe lenuth of ti ·I 11 .. • . .¡· I . . o 1e s 1e , co11s1,l111u of 111 e C) IIH nea!, rap1tll)' clecreasin" . 1 t· .. ·] • ¡ . 0 1 1 1 • 0 1o u 1011,, 11 11c I are obhqucly 1 att enct a 101·e •mcl t . · · • . ' ' e1 in111at111g 111 an acute apex; the whole of ~\'l11ch, t~gether with lhc bo<ly, with a slight spiral carina 011 th c1r s111>cno1· celo-e . , , . 1 . .. 1 • • 0 , .. pc1 111 e ou 011g-01·a1e, narro11· abo\'e, spreading III the ccnlrc, a1ul contraclecl Lelow into a ralher narrow canal of mcclium lcngth; inner lip small, Lroadly rc- tl~clctl on lhe col11mclla; wholc surface covercd by numerous s¡mal, somewhat inegular, slightly wavecl slria), wilh inec¡uidis- tant, nearly obsoletc, lo11gitucli11al wrinkles; colour cream-while; the :iperture palc golde11-ycllow. This shcll h:is much lhe aspect of Fusus antiquus, ami pro- bably only :i lusus of that species. 1 fou1Hl it 011 the strand opposite Hull, ami it is now in the splendid cabinet of Thoma: Norris, Esq., llecl Vales, near I3ury, Lancashire. 3i. Fu sus Boon111, pl. LVII, f. 12. F11s11s Boolhii, Ilrown, \Yernerian Mem., VIII, p. 50, pl. !, f. ]. Slicll slrong, with cight clccply clcfinccl, well roun<le<l volu- tion,, tapering to a11 acule apcx; proviclcd with numcrous, slightly oblique, slrong, lo11gitmli11al ribs, which, togethcr wilh the interslices, are crossecl by close-set, strong, spiral slrirc, between most of which are finer slrirc, giving lhe shcll a lamel- latecl aspcct; suture of the spire broad, concave, ami not eros- sed by the ribs, but spirally slriate; apcrlure oblong-ovale, a Jiu.le contractecl above, ami furnishecl with two longitucl i11al pmple bells, leaving the margin next the outer lip whitc; pillar lip white, smooth, with a slight lo11gituclinal groorn near its externa! margi11, ancl furnishecl with a brownish-purple spot abovc; oulcr lip thick, flaltenccl 011 thc cdgc with a zigzag groo1·e in its centre, ami a slightly rounded sinus above, al its junclion with thc body; ouler margin crcnatcd; canal short, ami wicle; externa! surface of a deep chocolate-brown. Length fivc ami a half cighths of an inch; breadth somewhal more than a quartcr of an inch. This beautiful species was clreclged in Rothcsay I3ay, by i\:Ir. Smith, all(l, with it, the fragment of a shcll of the same spccics, measuring upwards of three-cighths of an inch in diameter, so that this specics must attain the size of nearly an inch. \Vhcn we first removed it from the dredgc, we look it for the F. J>Ztrpurcus, but on a more closc examination, we fou11cl it lo cliffer from that shcll in thc following particulars. It has fcwcr volutio11s, the spire is shorter, ami not quite so taper, in the thick11css ali(\ othcr charactcrs of the outcr lip it difTcrs malcrially, ancl. it is dcstitule of the st riro insicle thc aperture. 30. fusus cAnl:-.ATus, pi. LVII, f. 20. 11fm·e:1: cm·inalus, Pen11ant, 13rit. Zoo!., IV, p. 123; Dono- van, pl. 1O!); Turton, Conch. Dict., JJ· 88, pi. 27, f. 95. 1 consiclcr this a mere lusus of Fusus a11tiqu11s, which is by 110 means u11co111mon in Ircland, somctimcs with lwo, ancl at olhers with three carinro. This is figurccl from a spccimen in the posscssion of M. J . O'Kclly, füq.; atl(I Robcrl Ball, Esq., of Dubli11, ohlio-cd me with n large specimen which is only bicari11aled; a11<l probably figures 10 and 13, pl. VI, is anolhcr form of the same. GE:-;us PYRAMIS,-(Page 1-1.) 22. PrnA)IIS TRIFASCJATus, pi. VIII, f. 30. . Pgmmis ti-ijilsciatus, First Ed., pl. 51, f. 30; Tm·bo trijas- cwtus Ada111• L'1 1 'l' \T ~ l 1 • , ' -, 1 n. r., , p.~ p. , f. 13, 1•1; Tw·bo unifhs- cwtus, Mo111agu, p. 327. Sh_ell smoolh, conic, white; spirc with four slightly i111\atccl rolut1ons, scparatecl by a narrow all(I shallow suture ; wit h tlu-ee purplish-brown bands 011 the body volution, which b_ccomc conllue11t in lhc two lower volutio11s of thc spirc, s iluate clo~e to thc suture; apertnrc subo1·al; outcr lip thin, anti vcry sl1ghtly rcílexed; columellar lip somewhat thickc11cd, a1HI rcllected. Fou11d, bnt rarely, on the shorc at Sonthampton; ami llur- ran Islam\, Devo11shirc. GE:sus PLEUHOTOMA.-(Page S.) 4. PLEUllOTO)IA TnEl'ELI,IA1'UM, pi. LYII, f. J. _Ple1trolo'.11~t Trcvellia11um, Turtou, Mag. Nat. I·füt., VH, p. 3¡¡ 1 ; l\:Iacgilhvray, Moll., p. 172. Shcll fusifonu, turrctcd; body aboul clouble t hc lc11.,th of the spirc; which consisls of six turrctcd, llat-sided, :,carly cyli11drical rnlutions, llattenccl abo1·c, ahrnptly dimi11ishing, anti lcrminating in an acule apcx; s nlnral li11e vcry narrow; aper- ture pure white, oblo11g-ovalc, lcnninating in a canal of medium lc11gth; ouler lip with a prctly dccp, roundctl sinus ncar its junction with the body; inner lip smooth, glossy, ami rathcr broaclly rcílcclecl 011 the columclla; whole surfoce of a palc yellowish-white, ami covcrctl with numerous, el ose-set, lo11gi- ludinal, smooth ribs; the intersticcs covered wilh mauy slrong, lransvcrsc slrirc. Lcnglh ncarly thrcc-quarters of an inch; breaclth abont a thircl of its length. This shcll has mnch lhc aspcct of Fusis t111·1·ic11la, Lut will at once he clistinguishcd from it by thc prelly largc sinus on the superior portion of the outcr lip; its diamctcr is also grealer in proportion to its length, and the ribs and strim are consiclcrably more numcrous. First clisco,•ercd by Mr. I3ean, al Scarborough, wherc it is abunclanl; Macgillinay givcs it as a clccp water spccies, off Aberdeen; and I lutely procurecl it a111ong specimcns obtnined by the clreclge, at Prestonpans, Easl Lolhian. 5. PLEUROTO)IA DECUSSATU)I, Pleu1·otoma decussatum, Macgillivray, !\foil. Ab., Jl· 172, Shcll clongatcd, fusiform, rather thick; volutions rounded; spirc tapcring lo a fine point; suture distinct; whole col'ercd with longitudinal ribs, narrower than their inlerstices, which are proviclccl with numerous spiral, thin laminro, also crossing the ribs, on which they form small oblong tubercles; aperturc oblong-ovale, with an clongated, obliquc canal; colour yc!low- ish-whitc. Lcngth a c¡uarter of an inch. Found by Profcssor Macgillil'ray, in clcep water, off Aher- decn, ancl at Iloddam, near Pctcrhead. The Profcssor says, "It appcars to agrec with Captain Brown's F11s11s clecussatus." If so, it must be a Fusus, becausc my shell is totally de1•oid of thc dislinguishing character of Plcuroloma, namcly, thc sinus in thc superior portion of thc ontcr lip, as will be seen by refcrring to figures 53 and 55, pinte V.
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