Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water

126 MOLLUSCA. Montagu, in describing that specics, says, "lhe ·coge crcnaled." (Page 131.) . . " Wilh rcspect to Crassilla 1mclt1coslata bcmg strangely Founcl at. Sandwich; rai-c. 8. LAGENA IIETICULATA, L arre1mla reticulata, Macgillirn1y, i\Ioll. Ab., p. 38. b • Shell somewhat oi-ately globose, cons1dcrably co111pressed, confoundc<l" with C. elliptica by se1•eral authors, I have not observed thcse. The formcr ,he\\ was first figured, described, and namcd by me in the VIII. vol. of the Wernerian Mcmoirs. It is a Fossil spccies belonging to the Newcr Pliocene Depo- sits and has never becn foun<l recent lo my knowledge. The P r~fcssor is dccidedly in error in refcrring my C. co11ve:1:iscula to this species. white, smoolh, glossy, all(I pellucid, wilh m:my interna], irregu- lar, opaque, while, reticulated, quadrate spaces; inlcrnal ca1·i1 y simple, with parietal cells; aperturc termina!, oval, anti amplc. Lcugth about the thirly-sixth part of a11 mch ; breadth co11- siderably lcss, . F ound by P rofcssor Macgillivray, among shells and coralhncs, from the Bay of Aberdecn. GENUS PoLYSTOMELLA,-(Page I.) 4. PoLYSTOllELLA GuLIEL)IIN,E. P olystomella Gulielmi,ue, Macgillivray, Moll., P· 31_5, Shell orbicular, discoidal, cqually com·ex 011 bolh s1cles, and compressed, slanting lo a thin subcarinatcd am~it_or back; ex- terna! volution consisling of about fifteen rad1at111g chambers, elcvated, narrow, and convex, wilh tra11s1•erscly sulcatctl concave i11tcrstices; centres clcvated, ancl the aperturc semilunar, con- vex, thicke11ed al lhe margin, ami moderatcly raiscd, wi1h its sidcs embracing the next co11volution. Diamctcr about the sixtecnth of an inch. Fonnd by Profcssor Macgillivrny, on lhe beach ncar Aber- deen, adhcring to 1'c1·ebt:llle ami Pecte11aria:. 5. Po1,vs1·0MEI.LA CUE!'iUl,A1'A, P olyslomelfo c1·e1mlata, l\facgillivray, l\Ioll., p. 31 G. Shcll 11carly round, discoidal, considcrnbly comprcsscd, with somewhat convex sides ; ambit rounded; externa! volutio11 pro- vidcd with aboul lwenly i11flaled, c11rl'ed, transversely crenalcd chambers ; pnrtitions conca\'e ami crenated; aperture semilunar, narrow, co11vex; colour bluish-grcy. Diameler about lhe fif- tccnlh of an inch. Dilfors from P . c1·isp11, in bcing much less, and in ha,·ing thc cntire snrface ami groo1•es crenaled, ancl with a com·ex margin. F oullll by Proícssor Macgillivray, in shell sand from Crmlen 13ay, allll on the beach at Aberdeen, a<lheri ng lo Tcrebellet concllilrga. G. l'oLYSTOMELLA NAUTU,INA. Polystomclfo Na11tili11a, l\Iacgillivray, Mo\l., p. 317. Shcll nantiliform, wilh 11111bilicaled, somewhat com·cx sides; ambit roumled; externa! l'olution with fro 111 ten lo lweh-e small slightly inflate<l, nnrrow, s111ooth , glossy chambcrs, which increasc gradually, ami then rapidly towards the last cell, which is largc, ami grauulated towards the umbi licus; part itions dc- pressed, curved, ami slightly strinted; fü1t, with lwo medial ridges, providecl with lwo eeries of pore~, and a 11early ílat co\'er ; aperture conliform, ami embracing the next conrnlntio11; colour greyish-white . Diametcr aboul Lhc fifticlh of an inch. Fouml by Profcssor Macgillivray,adhcring lo TCi'ebeUa co11chi- lega, on thc beach ncar Aberdeen, whcrc it is uot uncommon. GE:-us LAGE:SA,-(Pnge 3.) 7. LACl;:SA Gl.OIIOSA, pl. LVI, f. 37. L11ge11<t globosa, First Ed., pi. 1, f. 37; fleming, Edin. Ency., VII, p. GS, pi. 204, f. 10; V.:rmiculmn globosum, Montagn, p. 523. Shcll somewhat flask-shapcd, 1d1ite, smooth, trausparenl ; nperturc small, a11d nearly orbicular; base roundcd. GENUS 6.-T1t1c110TROl'IS.-Broderip. Turbinatcd, carinatcd, umbilicatcd; aperturc large, a1HI entirc; columclln obliquely truncated; outer lip thin, sharp; covered wilh a horny epidermis, produced inlo long cili.c; operculum horny, and elaslic. l. Tn1c110TllOl'IS AcumKATA, pl. LVII, f. 15. Tricliot?-opis acmninata, J elfreys, MSS. ; F11sus umbilicatus, Brown, vV erncrian Mcm., VIII, p. 50, pi. 1, f. 2 . Shell with seven lurrctcd, dceply clefined rnlulions, lapcring abruplly to an acule apex, ami obliquely ílattencd abo,·e ; body pro\'ided with se,·en strong, transverse ribs, ami lhc volut ions of the spire with three each; ribs ancl interstices crossed by fine, oblique, longitudinal stri,c, which are hardly visible withoul thc aid of a lcns; aperturc semi-ol'ate; pillar lip broadly reílected on thc columella, behind which is an clongated umbilicus, ex- lending 11early to thc base of lhc shell ; outer lip thin, ami cre- nulated 011 thc exterior margin by the ribs. Lenglh upwards of half an i11ch; diametcr of body nearly three-cighths. D redged from dcep water in Rothesay Ilay, by J ames Smith, Esq., of J ordan Hill; ami has sincc becn fo 1111d al Oban, Argyleshirc, by J. Gwyer .Telfreys, Esq., of Swansea, \Vales. G1rnus BuccnrnM.-(Page 4.) 10. Bucc1:-u)1 c,rn1:-ATUM, pi. L VII, f. 18. Bucciirnm cari1111twn, Turton, Conch. Dicl., p. 13, pi. 2(i, f. 94. Shell oblong-01·al, turreted; body large, inílatcd; spire small, consisting of fin) or six llat-siclcd, abruplly decreasing YOlution~, obliquely ílaltened abo,·e, which, as well as the body, are fur- nished with a carinatcd ridgc 011 their superior margin; sutura\ line of the spire very fine; wholc surface of a pale chC'st nnt- colour, co1·ered by remole, transverse, parnllcl, ncarly cquidistnnt s tri:c, upwanl, of a <¡uarter of an inch apart from each othcr, crosscd by indistinct, irregular, longi tudinal wrinklcs ; aperture subol'ale, ,lilat ed, ami tenninnting below in a short can.ti; outcr lip somewhal lhickened al lhe cdgc; inner lip smooth, " hi le, ami broadly rellccted on thc columclla, wilh two slight longitu- dinal folds on the external side. L cngth four i,,chcs ami a quarter; breadth two inches :tlHI a half. Discovered on the straml at Porlrnarnock, Irclan,l, hy ;\l. J. O'Kelly, Ese¡., ami is thc spccimen from which our drawing \\:IS madc. Dr. Tmton says nnothcr wns drcdgcd al 13rny, ami ha; also becn found at Bulloch, lrcland, by tit e !ale ;\lr, Tardy. lt has since bcen 111ct wi th al Exmouth. This may only be a l11$11t of JJ11cci1111m wultttw11 .