Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water
MAJ.n,1:-;1 ,n.J I fouml tl 1is species at Killoun-h MOLLUSCA. ín Lady .Tardine's cabinet. 0 ' Lough Strangford, Ireland. 7, Dnocnus ARCUATus, pi. LVI, f. 9. B1·och11s a,•c1wtus F irst Ed 1 1 f 9 SI l · · ' ., p. ' ' · 125 4. B1toc11us Al\NUJ.,\'rus, pi. LVI ,, Brochus a11111da.t11s First F 1 1 , f. L. . '. ~( ., P • 1, f. 12. Shell nearly C)·hndncal. 1. • 1 • , uase w1t I a sh t k ,. pretty ~trong, annnlar stri~ d ' or ·nou; crossed by . ·. . ' , ecussatecl b)• rntl . 1 1 bl . 11e l l~ylmdrical, slightly laperiug, ali(! n-really uis 1-11· ute, extreme] - n-J L 0 • 1 · Y o ossy. en<>th ncarly n1 an IIIC l. o • arcuated; eighth of g1tml111al strnc, and a ,vide 1 . 1 . ' 1e 1 s en1 er, lon- . . , ong1tu1 mal " roo . . reacl1111g lro111 the aperture 10 t i ,. o ,e on each s1de, Foun<l in saud, at Dl'an H . l3 General Dino-] 1 . 1 • ª~ cu, autry Ilay, Irelancl, by l • - ie uase · a¡iertm by a I ll<'k n n"'; the thir<l , 1 . ' e surrounded o ullll ll nt1011 bel . l . 1 . stro1wer than the others L 1 º"• w lle 1 1s much o 1 am, anc 111 11s cabmct. "' • engt I near!y a quart f . diametcr a fifth of its Iength. ' er o an 1nch; I fo11 1Hl this species in Loun-h St ~ GEl\US 4.-Conxuo10Es n · •- rowu. Shell tubular e ·l' ¡ · ¡ b .Jardinc':; cabinet. 0 rang º rd • Ireland. In Lady volut 1 1 , ) me nea' a ruptly tapcring, and slightly con- ec al t ic smallcr end, which is imperforatc. 5. ll11oc11us CLAnnus, pi. LVI, f . 3 _ l. Co~:-;uornEs MAJon, pi. LVI, f. , 19 . Brod111s glab1·11s, First Ed., pi. ¡ f 3 . D . l\Iontagu, p. •HJ7. ' • ' entalwmglab,·um, Comuoulcs 111ajo1·, First Ed pl l f 49 S, l \Yalker j\f SI ¡ ., • ' · ; ciptt a. recia, 205, f.~- m. i., p . 1, f. I •!; Flemiug, Edin. Ency., VII, pi. Shell snow-white, nearl)' cylincl . 1 • nea , cons1derab]v t d smooth, glossy, nearly of equal a· , arcua e , 1ameter throun-hout . b roundcd. Le1wth not a line. ,¡- t o , ase l 11 º • ' •ame er not a fifth of its eng 1. Found in Biclcleforcl Da)' near D . t ,_ 1 . ' ains au e; on the north const of Devonsl11re; ancl many other . 1 f . B . . Ireland. s1 ua ions m ntam ancl G. D11oc11us LiEvrs, pi. LVI, f. 6. Broclws lmvis First Ecl ¡ 1 f 6 D . . \ ' ·, P • , • ; cntalium impe,fu,·a- tum, Valker, Min. Sh., f. 15 ; Ada111s, Microsc., 1 14 i\I p, , f. 3 ; 1 ontagu, p. 496. Shcll white, or ash-colourecl, subcylindrical, very slightl a~cuatecl, extremely s111ooth, ancl glossy; base subtruncatecÍ, ' '. 1th a s111all, central proluberance; aperture orbicular, ancl a h1tle contracted al the margins. Founcl in sand, from Sandwich ancl Falmouth Harbour. cxtSh_cll smooth; with three nearly cylinclrical ,·olutions thc n~a~;1or/_;1i:~b_rurly in~rcasing, ancl prolonged in a length; necl; _ 1 Y Y L nea' 5 lraight tubl', lerminatinn- in an orbicular apei ure. ength not an e·<>I ti f · 0 . ·tl f . l lo 1 1 o an rnch; diameter about a s1x I o 1ts cngth. Found by l\Ir. Walker, in sane!, at Sandwich." 2. Co1~:-;uornr;:s MINon, pi. LVI, f . 50 • Cornuozcles 111ino1·, First Ed 111 1 f ªO. S l \\' 11· 1 1 ., • , • a , c17J11 a ?'cela, a ,er, p . ' f. 12 '. Fleming, Eclin. Eney., pi. 105, f . !). Shcll smooth, wlute, ami pcllucid; with a J>crforatetl a¡ie•· ali(! · r · ' ··• . cons1s 111g of lwo_ volutious; interior one vcry small, the externa! ouc abruptly mcrcasiug, anti prolon<>cd in thc fonn of a l_engthencd, cylindrical tube, lcrminat ing in°an orbicular aper- :m c. Length not a tcnth of an inch; breaclth not a six th of 11s length. Founcl by l\ír. Walker, in san<l, at Sandwich, Kent. A P PE N DI X. CLASS MOLLUSCA. Afler the Appendix was in type, I met with descriptions of sc,·eral ncw species which hare appcarecl in a local de5- criptire catalogue "of the l\1ollnscous Animals of the Coun- t_ics of Abcrdeen, Kincardine, ancl Danlf, by Profcssor l\facgil- livray." Although I hnve not implicit faith in the accmacy of that gentleman's conchological obsen•ations, arising from a Jlcrusnl of his work, yet I am unwilling to withhold the notice of species which ma9 tnrn out lo be new. In justifrcation of what I have said, I shall simply point out onc, a111ong many inaccuracies in the work refcrred to. The Profcssor, in dcscribing Cn1ssina compi·essa, says " this specics ~ornes nearest in form to (Astarte) Crassi1w clliptica; but has little aflinity to Cmssi,w multicostata, which lrns by severa! authors bce11 strangely confouncled with it." Now, with respect 10 its FORM being nearest to C. r.lliptica, I consider thesc two ~rccics are more dissimilar in fann than any other of the Ilritish 2 I Crassinro; as will be seen by comparing C. elliptica, fig. 3, anti C. comp,·essa, fig. 1, 4, 5, pi. XXXVIII, of this work. I carc- fully drew ancl clcscribcd thc original shcll of thc !alter spccie~, from which that accurate obsen•er of Naturc, Colonel Montagu, made his clescripli on. But afterwarcls meeting with thc fine specimen, formerly the property of Captain Laskey, in the cabinct of the late David Falconer, Esq., of Carlowric, I sub- stitutecl it for the <lrawing I made from the collcction of Colonel Montagu, in thc Dritish Muscum. I am ccrtai11 of its accuracy, so that lhe shcll which l\facgillivray describes cannot poss?bly be the C. com¡n-css<1 of l\fontagu. In allusion to this samc shell, the Profossor "strangely confounds" two shells, :md refcrs to a species which is totally clistinct;-hc says, "Brown's C1-.1ssiiw sulcata. (pl. XVIII, fig. 10, of First E<lition, an<l pl. XXXVIII. of the present) cannot be Montagu's Venus s-ttlcata, the margin in thc former being crenate, in the latter plain."
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