Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land and fresh water

124 :MOLLUSCA. [MALDANIJE. Found plentifully on the rocks ancl stones at Milton, Devon- shire, ancl other Jocalities. 7, SPIR0RBIS C0RRUGATUS, pi. LVI, f. 46. . . Spirorbis co1-rugatus, First Ecl., pi. 1, f. 46; Flemmg, Edm. Ency., VII, p, 68; Serpula con·ugata, Montagu, p. 502; Maton and Racketl, p. 242. Shell strong, with rough transverse wrinkles, white, and only a small portion of the second volution visible; centre rather deeply umbilicated; base spreading but Iittle; aperture orbicu- lar. Diameter an eighth of an inch. It is easily distinguished from S. spii-illum, in being con- sidcrably stronger, and the base ncvcr sprcacling so much. Found on the slate rocks al Mílton. 8. SPmonn1s conNEus, pl. LVI, f. 43. Spirorbis co1-neus, First Ecl., pl. 1, f. 43; Fleming, Edin. Ency., VII, p. 68; Se17JUlci con1ea, Adams, Linn. Tr., V, p. 6, pi. 1, f. 33, 34, 35; Montagu, p. 503; Maton and Rackett, p. 243. Shell regular, round, subdeprcssed, pellucirl; with threc horn- colourecl volutions. Inhabits the coast of Pembrokeshire. 9. Srmonms Lucmus, pl. LVI, f. 56, 60. Spi1·01·bis lucidus, First Ed., pl. 1, f. 56, 60; Fleming, Eclin. Ency., VII, p. 69, pi. 205, f. 4; Se,'}ntla 1·ejle.i-a, Adams, Linn. Tr., V, p. 6, pl. l, f. 31, 32; Se1·pula lucida, 1Vlontagu, p. 506; Mnton aml Hackctt, p. 2•13. Shell irregular in form, more or less spiral, and with two or three volutions, sometimcs placed latcrally, in others they wind upon cach other, ancl are often apart, or scalariform; very pel- lucid, glossy, ancl white; aperture orbicular, projecting upwarcls. Diametcr half a linc. Distinguished from ali othcr spccies by its glassy appearancc. Found on many of the British ancl Irish coasts, adhering to cliffercnt specics of se1·tulai·ia mu] othcr corallines. 10. SPIROIIUIS C0NICUS, pl. LVI, f. 58. Spfro1·bis co11icus, First Ecl., pi. 1, f. 58; Fleming, Edin. Ency., VII, p, 68, pi. 205, f. 3. Shell conical, strong, deprcssecl, op:ique, clull yellowish-whitc; two volutions, the exterior one large, with a carina on its superior portion, ami embracing the other; aperture towards the top. Founcl in Zetlancl, on oh! shel!s, by Dr. Fleming. 1 l. SPrnonnis REVEnsus, pi. LVI, f. 52. Spirorbis 1·cvc1·sus, First Ecl., pl. 1, f. 52; Fleming, Edin. Ency., VII, p. 60; Scrpul<t 1·eve1·sa, Montagu, p. 508; Maton ancl Uackett, p. 2,13, Shell more or lcss spiral, extrcmcly variable, subcylindrical, whitc, with slrong, trans\'ersc wrinkles, and tapering to a small point; apcrture orbicular, ami invariably turning in the rel'erse direction. This is the largcst specics of thc gcnus. Founcl on the De1·onshire coast, ancl also 111 the Frith of Forth. l'> Srmonms ,\i,::,;u1,us, pl. LVI, f. -14. Spfro1·bis amwlus, First Ecl., pl. 1, f. -1-1. Shcll strong, white, opaque, nearly orbicular; with threc roundcd \'Olutions, crossed by strong, regular, trans1·ersc, ring- likc groovcs ; clccply nmbilicatccl; aperture ncarly orbicular. Diamcter a tenth of an incl1. I found this adhcring to an oyster from Prcstonpans, Frith of Forth. 13, SPIRORDIS STRIATULUS, pi. LVJ, f. 59. Spiro,·bis st1·iatulus, First Ed., pi. 1, f. 59. Shell round, spiruliform, umbilicatcd; with three volutions, rolled upon each other, the ex(J!rior one detachcd at its exter- na! tcrmination ; surfacc with numcrous, fine, rib-like, spiral striro; apcrture quite orbicular. Diameter onc-tcnth of an inch. Found at Dunbar, by General Bingham, aclhering to se1·t11- la1·ia. 14. Srmonms CARINATus, pi.LVI, f. 48. Spiro1·bis ca1·inat11s, First Ed., pi. l, f. 48; Fleming, Ediu. Ency., VII, p. 68, pi. 20; Se17Jula wi·inata, Montagu, p. 502; Maton and Rackett, p. 242. Shcll with the exterior angulatcd volution providcd with a dor~al carina; interior volutions concealed by the outcr onc ; umbilicated, and sometimes pervious; base slightly spreading; aperturc orbicular. Found on severa! of the English :ind Scottish coasts. FAMILY II.-1\'IALDANI,r,. Branchiro of thc animal intermediate; tubc open at both ends. GENUS 3.-BnocHus.-Brown. Shell tubular, subcylinc\rical, slightly tapering, and subarcu- ated; imperforate at the smallcr cm!; aperture orbicular, placccl at thc largcr extremity. l. Bnocuus TRACHIF0nM1s, pl. LVI, f. 10. B,·oclms trachifonnis, First Ed., pi. 1, f. 10; Brown, Conch. Tcxt Book, p. 15i;l, pi. 19, f. 25; Dentalium Trncliea, Montagu, p. 497, pl. 14, f. 10; l\faton and Rackctt, p. 239, Shell subcylindrical, tapering a little, slíghtly arcuated; with strong, regular, lransversc, annular striro; smaller eud imper- forate, truncatcd, and prol'idcd with a small, blunt knob; apcr- ture orbicular; colour fcrruginous, ~omewhat paler towards thc smaller cnd. Lcngth somewhat more than an eighth of an inch; diametcr about a fifth of its length. Found on the Devonshire and Vvelsh coasts, but is a rarc and very local species. 2. llnocnus sTiUATUS, pi. LVI, f. 13. B1·oclms st,·iatus, First Ed., pl. l, f. 13. Shell white, subcylíndrical, a little arcuated, ami rathcr abruptly tapcring to thc narrow cnd, which is dcstitute of a knob; whole surfacc co1·ercd by fine, close-set, annular ~triai ; aperture largc, ncarly orbicular . Lcngth not an eighth of an inch ; diameter ab()ut a fifth of its length. This differs from thc B. ll'achijurmis, in bcing ~hortcr, le;s arcuated, in the striro being much fiuer, a1HI in ha1·ing no knob. Found al Dnnhar, by G1rncrnl Bingham. 3. Bnocnus RETICULATus, pl. LV 1, f. 1l. B1·oclms reliculatus, First Ell., pi. 1, f. 11. Shcll cylinclrical, abrnptly tapcriug towanls thc ba,c, whcrc it is prol'ided with a rather long knob; whole s urface co1·crccl by annular ancl longitudinal stri:c; apcrturc large ami orbicular. Lcngth an cighth anda half of an inch; diamctcr uf apcrturc a fourth of its length.