Innovando en la educación superior: experiencias clave en Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2016-2017. Volumen 2: metodologías activas de enseñanza y aprendizaje
VOLUMEN 2: METODOLOGÍAS ACTIVAS DE ENSEÑANZA Y APRENDIZAJE 75 Patil, a.s. (2005). Global engineering criteria for the devolpment of the global engineering profession. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education. v. 4 , n. 1, 49-52 p. Reidsema, C. & Goldsmith, R. (2011). Desing based curriculum reform within engineering education. Final Report 2011 Australian Govermment Office for Learning and Teaching. Shuman, L.j.; Besterfield-Sacree, M. & Mcgourty, J. (2005). The ABET “Profesional Skills”-can they be taught? Can they be assessed?. Journal of Engineering Education. v. 94 , n. 1, 41-55 p Yu, F.; Sullivan, J. & Woodall, L. (2006). What can student’s bibliographies tell us? Evidence based infor- mation skills teaching for engineering students. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice . V. 1, n. 2, 12 – 22 p. Zhout, T., Li, X., Li, J. & Wang, J., 2010. Discussion on talents cultivation of engineering-type software with CDIO education pattern. Computer Education., 36 – 40 p.
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