Innovando en la educación superior: experiencias clave en Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2016-2017. Volumen 2: metodologías activas de enseñanza y aprendizaje
VOLUMEN 2: METODOLOGÍAS ACTIVAS DE ENSEÑANZA Y APRENDIZAJE 258 Ohaja, M., Dunlea, M. & Muldoon, K. (2013). Group marking and peer assessment during a group poster presentation: The experiences and views of midwifery students. Nurse Education in Practice, 13 (5), 466 – 470. Peterson, E. & Irving, S. (2008). Secondary school students´ conceptions of assesment and feedback. Learning and Instruction, 18 (3), 238 – 250. Raymond, J., Homer, C., Smith, R. & Gray, J. (2012). Learning through authentic assessment. An evaluation of a new development in the undergraduate midwifery curriculum. Nurse Education and Practice , 13 (5), 471 – 476. Reddy, M & Andrade, H. (2010). A review of rubric use in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education . 35 (4), 435–448 Swaffield, S. (2011). Getting to the heart of authentic Assessment for Learning. Assessment in Education: Principles. Policy and Practice, 18 (4) 433-449. Taras, M. (2010). Assesment for learning: assessing the theory and evidence. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 2 (2), 3015 – 3022. Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2006). Examining the Teaching Life. Educational Leadership , 23 (6), 26 - 29. Wiggins, G. (2011). The case for authentic assesment. Practical Assesment, Research & Evaluation , 2 (2). Wu, X., Heng, M. & Wang, W. (2015). Nursing students´ experiences with the use of authentic assessment rubric and case approach in the clinical laboratories. Nurse Education Today , 35, 54
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