Informe país Estado del medio ambiente en Chile: Comparación 1999-2015
164 INSTITUTO DE ASUNTOS PÚBLICOS | CENTRO DE ANÁLISIS DE POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS INFORME PAÍS ESTADO DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE EN CHILE • Urrutia, R., Lara, A., Villalba, R., Christie, D., Le Quesne, C., Cuq, A., 2011. Multicentury tree ring reconstruction of annual streamflow for the Maule River Watershed in South Central Chile. Water Resour. Res.. 10.1029/2010WR009562 • Villalba, R., Lara, A., Masiokas, M.H., Urrutia, R.B., Luckman, B.H., Marshall, G.J., Mundo, I.A., Christie, D.A., Cook, E.R., Neukom, R., Allen, K., Fenwick, P., Boninsegna, J.A., Srur, A.M., Morales, M.S., Araneo, D., Palmer, J.G., Cuq, E., Aravena, J.C., Holz, A., Le Quesne, C., 2012. Unusual Southern Hemisphere tree growth patterns in- duced by changes in the Southern Annular Mode. Nat. Geosci. • Wilson, R., D. Carrión, & A. Rivera (2016). Detailed dynamic, geometric and supraglacial moraine data for Glaciar Pio XI, the only surge-type glacier of the SPI. Annals of Glaciology, doi:10.1017/aog.2016.32. • Willis, M., A. Melkonian, M. Pritchard & A. Rivera (2012). Ice loss from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, South America, between 2000 and 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2012GL053136.
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