An account of several late voyages and discoveries
IV 'fhe Introduél:ion. 'l'rees .ind Se.1l Skms, 1 1/tYJ .1rti{iciall1 inttrwov,n, · tbe He.1d ,vhereof n•as /úmluner. 1"'hey painte,l their faces either 1vith tJn Earth or a V~g/t,1hlr. In their H"ts, madeo{ Ho,,,~hs ,fila S4ins oj f'iflm, he fo1111d Sea·Wol\'es a;1d huge M11/des, 1J1hvjé ~lle/Is they jbarpw jo :rith mbbi11g of Stones th.,: they mt t·very thi;i ... ~ rvith thm,. fht'ir /refb 11'.,. . ter r.,,AS kept in Vijf eú m.ide of the B.trks of1ree!, 11nd their Clotithing ii,as chiejlj 111ade 11p of Skim cif"Pcnguins, Seals, and other 1l»imals ¡ec11/i4r to. the e liJ»ate. A, D. 1586. Tln tbird Circ1trmJ&'Vigati. on of the Gl()be n•as 1111dertal:e» ,md ptrform d ~¡ Thomas Can<lifh Ejq; ,..¡,o ver; prc;j'pero1'.fly Ji, »ifb 1 ti that in t,vo 1e,irs ami tivo .ftfonths, ,vine/, tooJ: both Magcllan And Sir Francis Drakc thrn Tear.r in ,ompaffing. Anno 1593. Sir R,ichard Hawkins made hi1 Voy•ge into the So11th SeA bJ the fame Streight J/JJ: the •Joremention'd fvavigat~rs did bef'ore him. H gives the ,nojl ttceurite Vef"iption ef the Tree tlu; bears the f4mo1u \Vinter·hark,fa~ hü Obfcrvati. .cns inFol.printed 1622. p.88. This Spicy Aro.' matick Tree (J'a1s he) bcars Leaves ofa whitiíl1 Green, not unlikc the Afpen; and bears its .Fruit in Clufters like thc H:rrrthor11, but that it is green ; each Berry of t he bigncfs of a Pep, per com, and every one of them containing within 4 or 5 Grains or Secds, twicc as big a1 Muftard Secd, w hich hrokcn are w htc within and bite like thc good Pepper; thc llark hat~ the Tatre ofall forts ofSpiccs, very Stomachick and Medicinal. ,ve found it in aU Places of thc · · Strcighti
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