An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to the Streights of Magellan~ 2 9 velly and íandy generally, with tufrs of dry fo:ir– ed Grafs growing on ir: I digged in foveral places bue faw norhing but gravelly Sand and Rocks • no forts of Metals or Minerals ; I looked alfo a– mong the broken Rocks for Metals, but faw no fign of any: From the tops of the Bilis I could fee a great way into the Land, which is ali Hills and l)owns like Cornwa/1: toilfom rravelling to thole that were not ufed to it; I could travcl as Jar in an hour as many of my Men coukl in two; ro day we faw nine Beafis foeding on the Grafs, \'cry like Deer, but larger, and had longer Nccks, but no H~rns; reddiili colour'd on the Back and nloft, whitHh under their Bcilies and up their. Flanks; when we had got wirhin a Furlong of them they fell a neighing Jike Horíes, one :mfwcr– ed another, and then aU run away. Tuefday, March 1. Fair Weather this Morning, Wind at North, 2 fine gale and a cold Air. This orenoon I filled the Casks out of the Spring, and ug them deeper: I fet up a long Pole with a white Cloth upon it, on a Hill near a mile into he Land, whcrc 'twas moíl: likely to be fcen by helnhabitnnts; with it I left Beads, a Looking– hís, a Knife, a Hook and ar.t Harchet) to invite ePeopJe of the Country to fhew themf.elves, for was willing to fee 'em, that I might difcovcr 'h:Lt they had ; but though I went about the ills this Afternoon, I could fee neither People, e ire, nor Smoak. 1 faw three Oíl:riches, but could ot get near enough to make a fbot at them ;.they ·ere feed ing on Grafs, and it fir!l fight of me rao 1• 1vay; I had a Greybound with me, w hich I t1:1rn'd 1y loo{e ,,
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