An account of several late voyages and discoveries

·28 Sir John Narbrough', 'Poyage Boys Dividend being as Jarge as my own, or any Man's; it blew vcry h:ird this Evening. and look. ed very black in the South wefr,an ordinary gale. I kept a Light out ali Night in the Poop for th~ Pink: this day ali the Company cat of youug Seals, and Penguins , and commended thcm for good F ood : I judgcd this a very fit Harbour to 6t the Ship in, for the main Mafl: mufr b~ u1. rig'd, and a new gang of fhrouds fitted, and Bal. laH be had ; and it might be a means to fall in with the Pink ; for from thc tops of the Hills we conld fee a great way into the Sea; fo that if fue fhould come ncar the Coafi, we could not Jnifs her. Wc found 2. Springs of frefh Water, one in a Valley clofe by the Water-fide, in a gully above thf' Ship, half a mile up the River ; thc other up a Valley bctween the Rocks, juíl: a·brefr wherc the Ship rode, about half a mile from the River's fide, right from Coopers-Bay in the fame Valley; thcfe Springs are but fmall,and the Waters a littlc brackifh or faltifh ; for in the dry Vallcys the Earth is naturally faltiíh; the Groun~ and Rocks have a white rhime ofSalt-petrc hanging on them: I weut into the Land 2 miles North-wefi, and faw the Country hilly , and dry Land without \Vood or Water; fome craggy Rocks and Valleys, low, but dry and of a Salt-petre nature; hcre and there fome Buílles with prickly Branches , and Leaves like Whirc.Thorn Bufhes in Engla11d; the Jeífer Buíhes have fmall dry Gauls growing on thcm, with a f mall dry Seed as hot in the Mouth ~s Pepper; nota Trce to be feen : the Soil is gra- vclly