An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to the Streights of !vlagellan. 2 7 lay Wootl, Feathers, bones of Beails, and füivers of Flints. 1 wentto a Flag which I left on a HiJl yeílcrday with Bcads at it, but finding no body had been ar it, let it íl:and. No Bcaíls feen any -.vhere. exccpt two Bares running overthc Hills: Thisday we were takcn up with viewing theHar– bour,fo that wc did not advance abovc a mile and a half into the land. In the VaUeys betwcen the R·ocks grow abundance of wild Pea fe, whicb had b~em le::ives ar.d bluifh bloíforns, both taíl:ing like grecnPeafe.J.:!avesinEng/ant(grO\vingon vinesand rangied togethcr ; airo very f weet finelling hcrbs much like Tares, vcry green, and white and yel.:. low flowers; likewifc green herbs much likeSage, but grow in knots ncar the ground likc Lettice ; Thefe Hérbs with the Peafe.Jeaves~ make a good Sallad to rcfreih fuch as were inclining to the ScHrvy; for W?,ntof which frefu Tradc teveral of my Men wcre lalling into it. Here are abundancc of very good Mufcles and Limpets on the Rocks, and an líland frequented by many Sc, and Fowls : In the Rivcr wcre·picd Oivcrs as big as Ducks,fomcof'em grcyand bk~ck flrngs; Ducks and othcr íca-Fowls brced on them :imongíl: thc Rocks and Buíhcs. To day I went upon one of thefe Jf!ands, and caught as many young black Shags in thcir nefis as loaded the Pinnace; when 1 I lwve difcover'd better thc particulars of thc Fowls and other things foen here, I wiH mention them hereattcr: Night comirig on, and it begin. ning to blow hard, I \Vent on board with Herbs, Fowls, and what elfo I had goc to day ; and di- r vidcd aH things cqually among thc Company,the ~ B~