An account of several late voyages and discoveries

26 Sir John Narbrough's ro¡age thcfc-Cliffs, but further into the Coantry high rounding HilJs and Downs, and toward the Wa. ter fide low. On the South part of the Bay ar::. craggy Rocks on the Main like great Walls; ncar thc fea thcre's a fandy Cove, to h:ile a Boat up in foul w,ather: the Covc is juft under thefe \VaH-lilte Rocks. Sal'urday, Fe/,. 2.6. Fair wcather, the Wind at "'eíl:, ~ íliff galc. I kcpt a Light out all night, that thc Pink mig,ht fec if {he came along; thc fafr part of th~ night a great Fire was madc on thc íhorc for the purpofc: Cold wcathcr : This moming at 7 a Clock 1 manncd both rny Boats, and \Vent into the Harbonr; the Ship rode moorcd at thc Harbour.mouth,within thcMufcle. bc1.nk, in ílx f'athom a.t low water.: l fentmy Mcn upon the Hills on the North-íhore ~o look a. hroad for the Pink, aad made a Fire in thc dry Grafs, that fhe might fee thc finoak if íhc \\'ere thcrca.bouts, but tbey could not fee her. I fom1d. cd thc Harbour in many places to clay at low wa– ter, .and found it a vcry good onc for great Ships to ridc in, provided they have good Cables and .Anchors. I fearched the fllorc, but found no Wooci, :.rnd vcry little freih water. On thc Hil:y ;mc.l l:irge Downs, very few Bulhcs, but dry, long Gra[s gwwing in Tults and Knots. The Soil is , grnvdly and dry, in fome Vallcys \1.-·ell mixt witl bJack Mou)d : no Pcople, fire or finoke but uu own, to be fecr., I faw fcveral places whcrc the 1 had lain, behind Huíhcs upon Grafs, which they bad plucked up, :ind that thcy h:id_ mac.le fmal tires, and roaflcd l:.impcts ami Mt1kks: Tlier 11 la;