An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to the Streight1 of Magcllan; 2 J (luins all over the Hland upon and under the Rock; in Holes. Sc:tls lie all about the fides.,on rhe tops of thc higheíl: Rocks, and in the middle ot it; che number of Scals, Penguins and Sea.– fowl upon thefc Iílands, is a!moíl: incredible tQ them that never faw them ; for the multitude of each Creature that's there daily, is numberlefs: rhe fix Jílands are full of Seals, but the Penguins. frequent the biggeft mofr. I put aíl1ore at one of them. and took into my Boat rhree hundred Pen– ouins, in lefs than half an hour, and could havc faken thrcc thoufand in the time, if my Boat would have carried 'em ; for 'tis but driving 'em ¡;1 flocks to the füore, by the Boat íide, where 1wo or thrr.e Men knock them on the head with füort Truncheons, :ind thc reft heave them into the Boat ; the Seals will run o\'er a man,if he does or avoid 'em: mean time the Ship was íl:anding othe Northward: About 2. Lc:1gucs off many roken Rocks.and foul Gr?und lie amnpr, thefe ílands, and w1thout the Potnt of the outcrmoíl: it akes a great Ripling, whicl1 i~ thc fl.rcngth of he Tide,revcr1ed lrom the Tílands 3gainfl: rhe O· hf'r Tide : to the Norrhward of thefe Iílands is Bay, four Leagucs long , and :1 League and half ecp; in the.Northwefr thereoflies theHarbour of ortD~lier,which we could fee fromI 'en.rz, uinl}lmuls, aring North-north wcíl: from Pe ng,uin J}la11d,di- ant about 1 Lcagucs .- About the middle of this y are ftccp whitc Cliffs, near two miles long; 1 e upper part of the Cliff has black fireaks wna fourth part, cal!fod by tl1e Water drain- g down on it: thc L:rnd is pfo.111 on the top of , thefo
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