An account of several late voyages and discoveries
{ 24 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage is eight Leagues to the Norrh north-eafr: diílnnt from i_t to rhc Norr~-~·cfi of this Iíland, is ~ deep roundmg 13ay. call din the Charcs Spiri11g s B.iy, wherein lie thrcc fmall Hlands of an ind:fferent hC'ight: the Land in the Country over this Bay, is large high H1lls; Rocks líe in the North part of the Bay ; I crofs'd it in the Pinnance,and found. ~d as I went over, and had 2. 1 Fathom, rough grot1nd in thc mid-way: ·ris feven Miles bread, nnd ncar 3 Leagur.s deep; it rounds with a turning up to thc North-north weil\ 1 vard, behind a Poinc farthc r th:1n T faw ; upen which rounding P,:linc íland Rocks , which malee Jil~e a ragged Building, and a Tower in it. At my coming in with thc Land, I fa1l'd clofc under thi~ füorc with my Boat; tlte füore is (1:eep , black Rocks, an<l low Bays, with Pebble-fioncsand fandy Beaches; green Grafs on the Hills, no Wood nor frcfh \V\l.. ter to be feen; at the No~th eatl: F oint of this Spiring's Bal', the Land makes out full like a forc– bnd ; a fair high Land in large plain Hals , with farJdy fmall I3ays : at th'! üce of this Forela.nd Iie ftx rocky H1anrls; one ís a Musket.f'hot off the · 1'v1ain, the rcH fo re her oíf; thc outwardmoft is the bigge!l, a Mile from che Point of the Main, :rnd is c allcd PenguiH /jland; ir is indifferent high :it r.he cnds, aod Jow in the middlc ; 'tis near thrce qu arters of a Mile long , North north eaíl: and South-fouth weíl:, and near halfa Mile broad Eaíl: and Weíl:; it is all cniggy Rocks, exccpt in the lowcíl: part of thc micldle,which is gr~velly, and in ~he Summcrtimc has a little green Grafs ;the great i,Jack Ganncts fay their Eggs hcre, nnd che P.en, · · gums,
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