An account of several late voyages and discoveries

( 23) 73, Lengues, 1 miJe, , tcnths. V:triation of thc Cornpafs Eafü:rly, 18 Degrc.cs. 1 concluded wc had íhot pall Port Defier Bar. bour in the Fog; for the Iílands and Rocl<s whicb we fa \\'~ were /' e"gui11, and other I ílcs l y ing about it,which lies to the Southward of tbc Harbour of · I'ort Defier. Many SeaJs, Pcnguins,pied Porpoifes, an<l foveral Sea Fowls, fslc. fccn to <lay. 1hur.filay, Febr. 24. Hafcy Wcathcr; Wind at Wefi north-weíl, :1 frcíh galc. I font Men up to the Top maíl:· hcad to look abroad ; this Mor~– ing no íight of the Pink, I judgc fhc muíl be 1_n Port Dejier: I wcighed about 8 a Clock tlus Morning, :md ílood to the Northward \\'ith my Ship; I went in my Pinna ce along the fliore to the Northward, whilíl: thc Ship fa iJ'd in the Offing, about two Leagues from thc thore: The íhon~– fide is in Beachcs aml fcatter·d Rocks; in man y places the Tide of Flood \Vas with us : At the North cnd of Se:ils Bay, lics a finall rocky I11and copling up .likc :i. klaycock. Jt is cnvcr'd with grey.colour'd Fowls Dung; a ver) Hrong Ticlc runs here, bctwccn thc Jíland and the Main, 'ti, a littJe more than a Caules lcngth from the Point of the Mc1i11; therc's a great man y broken Rocks about it by thc Sca~fidc.: here the main Land is lo\V an~ fandy? 11p the Country in large Downs and HdJs, w1thout Wood or freíll Water anv whcre. On tllis Iíland are abundance of Seals and Sea J;owls; wc gave it the n::une of íomah.11:ke I- ¡ flan?, from ~n bulit1~ (: ]uh !oíl- hcrc, called by thc Carrb/;e.Indums at S urm.1m a Tmnahart!.:e; 'tis a11 a craggy Rock, a linlc bigger than Sc,1/. !Jl.wrl, anrl C 4 is . ),