An account of several late voyages and discoveries
2 1 Sir J ohn Narbrough' sVowtge the Lanc~ plainly, being within five Miles of the fhorr lide. wh1ch mac\c a kind of Bay, brcached on thc lhore : I foun lled, and at r 7 Fath_om had rough ground, with fome finall fiones drawn up in theT :lllow of the Lcad, which was dinted by Rocks: Becween ninc and ten a Clock therc was a 1~11e clear by which J fo_._,. rhe Land very plain. ly ; ,t :ookd rcdd !• 1 1 hke fcarecl Grafs; no Woods to he f ~en on any of thc Hills or Valleys, but ,I! as !Ja re :,.<; che Gra r.,.Downs in E11gla11d: I durfi m,c fond my Hoat a-íhorc foriear of loling her in th c:> r.og , or bcing funk at the íhore, whereon th: Se,' brc;iks vcry much: the \Vind was at North a,v: oy E:111, a frelh galc bkw almofi along the íl,ore, and bring out but 2.4 hours before, made thc Sea run h igi1: the Lan.J líes hy the Sea fide South fouth- ·wcH, and N o,th north·eaíl, as far as J coukl fee to the Southw:ird; no fire or fmoak to be frrn upon thc Land. Courfe madc true after fevera.l Courfes, frcm ycíl crda/ Noon, ti JI ro day at nine a Clock, when J ,\·as ~ Lcagucs o ff' the L::md; true Courfo is \Ydr 6 J. 50 m NorthcrJy difiance; failed fifty m·le:; feven tcnths. Dcparturc Weft, ro miles ditkrence o! Longitudc Weil r ti. ,. 5 m. differen of Latitude North o d. 6 m. Latitude by accou is 4 7 d. , 4 m. South ; noObfervation thefe thrc days, being foggy Wearher. Meridian diitance from the Liz.t1rdWcft 101 ' l-eagt-1es 1 mile, 7 tcnth.s, Longitude at 9 a Cloc from thc Lfr.ard Wcíl ., 61 d. 56 m. 6 tcnths ~ong¡tude from Port Praya Weg, 44 deg. 38 m. ;cr:t!~s. Meridian difümce f~om Port Fraya \Ve e ~• /J
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