An account of several late voyages and discoveries
the Streightt of Magcl1an. 2 1 fe/Jr11ary 19.· I founded o!rcn to da y, and had fifrv and fifry thrce Farhom; dark black Sand, with fome bright fine Sand ÍM it; íleds -of Roc:kw wecd, Scals, and Porpoiícs, fuch as are in thc . Europea11 Seas, focn ro lh)'; thrcc \V hales, many fowls flying abont , and fome Penguins in thc Sea, fwimming near rhe Ships; at 1 a Clock in the Afternoon thc Wind was at E. b. S. a flout gafe and a great Sea; 1 fiood to rhc Sourhward, clofe h:iled under m'y Courfcs ; thc Pink half aMile to Windward of me undcr hcr's; füe out fails us now ic blows, and puts us paíl our Topfails, and ficers along with us with only her Main fail fct; the Sea runs lofty•• Mo,ulay, Feiruary 2. e. At a quartcr of an hour 1 aft eight this Morning, I faw the Land bearing Wcíl of me, and dHlant about 4 Leagucs : I oundcd, and ha<l 2.1 fathom ; fmall Stones and and; füll I ílood in. Wcíl: by my Compafs. The e a11d makes but :m ordinary heighth towards the ea iide, but farthcr up, round high H1lls , and ooks reddiíh; the Northermoíl: Land I could fec, ·hich \Vas Cap~ Bltmco, bore Nord1 north -weCt of e about cwo Lcagues , :mcl thc Southcrmoíl: and at thc Face of thc Cape. Thc Land trented away to the Southward of e,Southwefierly ,ofan ordinary height by theW~– rfide, but up in thc Laml are Hills l1keTablcs on e top,a little higher than thc rcll;the Land makes Hills and Valleys ali along, like :Powns of an dinary heighth ; at nine a CJock this Morning I aced the Head-faiJs to the M:iíl;, and lay tqhalf hourtill the Fog cleared up, tha~ I ~ügh~ ~uake . C J thc -,
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