An account of several late voyages and discoveries
The lntroduél:ion. 111 A. D 1577. Sir Francis Drake, wit/, ji' h,ps '""'· fJarks, And 164 Men, IJegtt» his J.1mou.s (!J,1ge ro11nd the Cilobe ; {ailúg thro' the afare– !l'»tio11td Streight oj Magcllan to the Co:tjls of crn, Ncw Spain, Mcxico ttnd California; n• 11rning to England by the RaJl I.ndies and Cape f (jood Hope. <.'apt. John Winrer i-c11s ftp11rAteá nm Sir Francisnpo.n their EntrAnce i»totheS()11Jh 'e.1, and bJ Storms wtt1 fort'á ba,k Again i»to tht trr{~hts of Magellan.thrn 1vhich he rtp•/frti home, ing the .ft'~/f that /riled from the Pacifick into he Atlant1ck Ocean through theft Strei¡.Jlts . La– rillar, "Spaniard, btin[je»t jro1» Chile to At– t111pt thu l'AJJ~ge, ,virs driven b,uk ~Y ~tonm ttd the approach of Winttr Anno 1 579. the iteroJ of Peru, thm/d11g th:it Sir Francis Drake as Ja1l 1 d to the M.igellé!-n Scrcights, eqrúpt Don armiento in the Port of Lima rvith Jwo ShipstfJ ur/111 him. Thü Spaniard :d Chile •mi. Pa– gonia, tntrir.g the Strcights, ami. fo paffed to rafit Sarmiento 11pon hú r"et11rn to Spain,pe,. rvadeJPhilip 11, tofmd. t11•0CtJio11ies to piA»t "11ª ortifte i» the Streights pj Magcllan, ;,, order to went 1111do~flrué1 the NAvigatio11s; Depred11tiom, Settl~ments ofthe Englifñ ttnd Dutch tn thoft trts ; but the1 .u ,nifoa, ried. p:rrtly •, ~hipr,rAci(, 4Tt/y bJ Fami11e, •nd the Barbarities of the Pata. ons. 7 /Jis h•pptn'á in the 1earJ 1 584, 1 585, 586. The Pro¡ec1 WAS contr4YJ to the .Advi&t of he Duke of Alva. Sir f'rancis i11 tbe Magellan Streight fa,v fave– il of the Patagons,or lnhAbilants, in their Canoes d Httts; their Boats n•ere r,,.dr of tbe Barks of J\ 2 '!"rc~r
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