An account of several late voyages and discoveries

20 Sir John Narbrough's T'oragc to Balda'Uia ami Lima; bcing arrivcd here, as far as I can pcrceivc by him , he knows nothing of the matter, nor any thing appcrtaining to Navi. gation; all I can fancy of him is, that he may have liv'd with a Wcfl:-/.,JianGovcrnour, whcm he h:is heard talle of thcfe Parts. Felr11ary 8. At 7 a Clock this Afterrwon the Wind carne to the W cfi.fouth-weíl:, a íliff gale. I ftood to the Sonthward; much Rock-wecd pafs'd bythe Ship to day, and fevcral Sea-rowls fecn; very cold for the Seafon, blcing Summer, which Don Carolw begah to complain of, and told me, He did not think we fhollld havc come fo far Southcrly; I fhew'd him by my Places how far wc wcrc to go thro'lgh thc Streig,hts, and ak>ng thc Wcíl: Coatl:; he faid, The Spaniards went to Chile a nea.rer way; I anfwcred, 'Twas into the River of Piare, and ovcr Land, which we could '10t do, My Company are all in good Health,but fome of a puny Race grow wcak in bcing fo long on fhipb4lard; I give them Vinegar once a Week, e which is very good to pre\'Cnt tite Scurvy in ·cheir Mouths; alfo I order'd evcry Man to wafl1 his 1 Mouch, Facc ami Hamls beforc he receive bis daily Allowancc of Bread, and 1ppointed one Man to fce it pcrformed ; If any negleded it, th 1 Steward kept their Allowance for one day; Jike 1 -..\/ife every Man is commanded to keep himfe clcan,and free from Lice,upon forfeiture ofhis dt' ly Allow.;ince to rhe Party accufing him; by the mea ns the ".'ilkip is kept neat, fwcct and clean, th the dircy foggy Wcather is a great Enemy to thi 1 Dif,ipline. Ft