An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to the Streights of 1\fagellan. 19 f owls ílying and f\\'imming near thc Ship; it be– in(T quite calm, mv Mcn l<dl\.! fome of them with rh~ir 81rding-piecés , for chcy wcrc vcry rume, not movmg at thc report ot a Gun ; they :irc very like to 5ea-Gulls, and good mc-at: fomeSeals and Whalcs fccn. · February 5. Werc feen fcvcral beds of Rock– weed , and Sea Fowls, much like Gannets; fome black, others white, pied, and grey; fmalf Seal– fiíl1es like fo man y Dogs. for the1r Heads refembJe Bull dogs, which thcy'I! kcep abovc \\'atcr 1 long ime, and look lt thc Ship; they are very nimblc t diving and skipping out of the lV:iter. This Afrernoon at feven a Llock I was in the Latitudc f 4 r degrees South s and in Longirude , Wdl: rom the Liz.ard of Eng/mJd, ;2 dcg. and ;o min. nd in Meridian diihnce from the Liwrd 89 9 cagues; Meridian difiance from r~rt Praya; 16 Leagues, Longitude from Port Prr1__,v.1, Weft, t 6 rl. 34 m. This Night I ad 1 .'ifed with Don Caro!us whcre twould be beíl: for ns to hale in w;rh the Land, what Latitude, or at wh:it C.1pc or Harbour on his Coaíl of Americ.:1, being now to thc South– 'ard of the River ol· 1'!.1te 1 and according to mv frruétions, bcforc the Co2!l to' be d.fcover'd°, nd a Ttade fct on foot with the Natives ; He Id me J might do whar I would, for he d1d not nderílanJ the Coaíl:, nor wllcre 'n-.,as inhab1tcd; was hi<; .,i,·hol~ Dífcourfe in the Voyage , th~t e had becn hcre in a Galley, and kne\\. ali the oafls from the River of Ptate to the Streights , .d thorow the Streig,hts all along.the Wcfl Loafi: 1\\ e :?, to
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