An account of several late voyages and discoveries
18 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage away Southward anJ by Wcfl by my Compafs. thc Air as co]d hcrc on a füddcn, :is 'tis in Eng,'. land in September. Thefc Seas are very muc:h ex. pofed to fo<ldcn Gufls and variable Winds; for the Wind lrns run round the Compafs twice or thricc a. day thcfc 3 clays; thc Sea wateris ch:ng. ed wliitcr than the ufüal colour, whe11cc I conje. dure 1 muíl: be in Soundings : alfo by rily accoum of Longitude, kept from thc Li:::.aul, I am mx 1 ,l. 28m. off from Land, according to Mercators Draught. Evening I founded , but had no ground at I 30 f'athom; \Vínd ar South a fine gale: I fieer'd in Weíl:-fouth·wefi; at ten a Clock to Night; I obforved thc Water to ripie as if it were over a füoal , ami had ground ar fovemy Farhom; I caufcd the Head-fails to lt>e braced to the Mafi, and founded; fine red S:mú inclinin to grey at 70 Fathom. · Fehuary 2.. Meridian diílance from thc Liz,1,J. Wcft 839 Leagues, 2. Miles 1;, ; Longirnde a Noon from the LharJ Weíl: 49 de! · 43 m. littl Wind this Afternoon, and fair Weather; \VC la, fometimes one way, fometimes anothcr; Wind a South-wefr and by South, a ftnall galc. I hoifi out iny Boat, and founde<l, but no ground at q Fathoms: I rried the Currcnt wirh my Boat, b found little or none worth notice: rhe Sea ripl 1 in many places; I founaed on them>buc no grou at 108 :F:ithom; feveral Beds ofSea.wecd drivi to and fro in knots; rht'fe Weeds :ire fiv(;' or { ij Farhom long, in firirfgs, wíth broad Lcaves them of a bro\,,.n colour; :it thc rooc hangc; a CI or Rock of :z. or 3 poun~ weight ; feveral S fm1
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