An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to tht Streight.r of Magellan; 1 '7 1 om. E:t '.l , by an arnplitude taken to Night; I :un open of che mouth of the River of ¡>/ate; foundeJ to Night, bue no groun<l at one hundrcd and forty five Farhom; \\·ind at North nnd by Eaíl:, ali Night clofe Weather. I íi.cered South". weíl ami by South. , Monday, Ja11u« ry 3r. C alm this Morning; a.t 8 Clock the Wind to thc North-weU a fine ale; at eleven a Clock the Wind went round the .·ompafs, and came to North; with much thun~ er, Jightning . and fome rain; very dark Clouds, old hafey Weather; fcveral fpots of Sea-weeds riving in the Sea, and a great many Sea-fowls of brown colour fwimming in it: fmooth Water, ourfe fiecred is South-wcfi by my Compafs. This ay one main füroud aod one forc .{broud broke, nd to firope of t'he Main,jeer block; Variation of im-rifing by an Amplitude is 19 J. 4, m. Eaíl: ; ali yr:.,f en in good health, God be .Praifed. All tbe ~lbycorcs; l\onetto's, and flying Fifh ave quite left the Ship; · no Fiíh to be feen but 'hales. _ . . 1ue[tlay, Fe/Jr"ª'Y 1. Cloudy foggy \Veathet his Mornin~, and litde \Vind at South-eaíl:. I ood to the South-weftward; I faw abundance .of ca-fowl flying to ind fro, firiking about the 1 ceds for final! FHh, feveral beds ot Sea·weed$ riving by the st,ip,; it fdl E:alrR this After~ oon; many fmall .Sbrimps about th.e Ship, and 'ght young Scal-fifues clofe to it; they were as ig as an ordinary Spaniel-dog, of a black co• ur, and went away to the Wefiward. This Af– rnoon a frefü gale at South.fouth-eaft ; I fieer'd , e - ~q
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