An account of several late voyages and discoveries
aés Sir John Narbrough's ro7age SomeFouls flying to and fro,t kind ofSea-gulls and Ganneta bl~k ~ea-~oul. a~ big ~s a P1geQn; and fome large óries ofthat.kind, three Tropick Birc!s ffying over the íhip of a gréy Cólóur, with a long tpircd Tail as big ~s Pigeoris~ ~ome.Bonetto's takcn to day; 4 great broad ftat Fifh like a Scatc,following the ~hip, cailed by theSeamcna Strb,g-RaJ,. h~ving t l(?~gT~il and a 1harp bow at the end of 1t, when 1t pricks a Man it puts hini .to much pain; they are cailed by folhe Clc,le jJbei, the leílei' fort are good to tat. j111111ary r. Váriation of the Conipafs by an ..~mplitude in the Morning 06 J. 46 m. Eaíl; this Aftcrnoon I brought the Ship to; ánd founded one _hundred and cighty four fathom right dowri, and.h~d no grourtd; I being thwart ofthe Shoals bf BraúJ caufed me to found, I thought the Seá Íook·d whitcr than ufual, v:triation at Sun•fet, 6tl 46 m. Eafl; litde·Wind this Afternoon, at Eafrby North; I made all the Sail I coulcl, Stay-fails, Steering.fails, Boats·fail aridBonadventure-mifen, ali fet to draw away Southerly, fome Fowls Ay, ing over the Ship, which wc call Mén of War ¡ they prey onflying Fiíh, .&c. Ja1111ary 14. Few Fiflt feerl ; rlow and thei1 a fmall Bonctto taken, fmall Sea-Fowls call'd Blad. Nodies, . flying to and fro, artd 2. Cúrlieus flying 1 to the Eaftward. Jaituary 2.4. i judge a Cúrrent fets .o~t óf the Rrver oj Plate ; for I find nitic miles moré t~-~ Soúthward than I cxpetled; I have been carcful ofmy Courfe and Variation, wbich is but 18_: ~º~
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