An account of several late voyages and discoveries

14 Sir John Narbrough's Yoyage DEcember 4· Many Rying Fifü feen to day, and · Bonetto's, Sharkfüb, and Al by cores. a f ilh larger than a Bonetto, but of tha.t' Mackrd íl:apc, and feaverifh Dice. thcy livc upon thc Hy .ng Fiíh like the Bonetto's; to day we caught iome of them with Hooks, and one Shark; cur Mcn éat 'thci:n both, and account the Shark a good Fifh. : Dtcenr!Jer 7. To day thc Cooper fou'ld two ijuts of Beer had .leakcd out: · d1is dav ali ot us drank oi1ly, for it was ever my· arder t i1at thc meaneí1: l3oy in the Ship íhmlld havc !hefame allowance i.vith my fdf; fo that in general \\ e nll drank of the famc Cask, aad eat one fort of Pro– vifion, as long as tht. / lafted: 1 never petmittcd· any Officer to h:tvé a bet"cr picce of .Meat tha.ñ whaf foil to his Lot; but one blindcd With .a Cloc1 fcrv'd cvery Ma11 as they wcre call'd to tm1ch and take, by which mcans we had ncvcr any Dü!er- cnce ·upon that rc·ore. . , ; · S11turday, Decem/Jer 18. All thc Ship's Compa. ny, God be praifed,.in goodHcaith. mofi e a· t hem were lct Blood after I had crofs'd thc· of Cancer, and none. rroublecl with the Calen.ture in thisVoyage. . . WhiHl J. 2~ in the hot Weather I allow a quart of Vinegar to 6 Mcn per \Ve~k, and álfo to eat with their frefh Fiih, which J divide equ~lly a– mong the whole Ship's Company, be it littlc or much, or c:iught hy whomfoe\ 1 er. Friday-, Decemher 2.4. I find great Difference within tbis 48 bours betwecn niy dead Account, as