An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to ,be S1reighu of Magellan. 1 3 vou. In your way thither, aftcr you .have paf– fed to the Southward of Rio dela Plata, 'twill be beíl:for you to fail along the Coaíl: of J~meric_•, to ' fee if you can fall with me, and to make Cape Blanco which Hes in about I 7 J. 2.0 m. SouthLa– titude, and fo to Port St. Julia11, where you are to íl:ay; you may alfo enquire forme at Port De– fir , which lies in about 48 d. South Lat. If I · {hall come to any place,and be gone again before you come thither, I will leave a piecc of Board nailed to a Pote or Tree, engraven, mentioning the Ship'~ name, and the day of my Departure. and tbe next Port I intend to go to ; I defire you would do the fame; a~d at Port St. Juti.111 I wiU. do likewife, and alfo leavean Order for you tied to a Pole, beingput in a. Glafs Bottle ; the.Polé fuall be placed on the lfland whichlies in theHar– bour at the Wefi: End thereof, w here I fhall build. a Tent : pray be careful to look for it, and I íhall do thc fame for you; it may be I may havc ali . opportuniry to touch on the Coafi:s as I fail a– long, if I can find any Trade with the Natives ; you may be fure, where ever I come, to find thofe. Memorials of my being thcre before you :foGod profper our Intentions. . Given under rny Hand at Port Praya Road,on Board the SJveepjlakes riding there at the lilanddf St.1ago, Novem/;. 5. 1669. · John Narbro11gb, ' 1o Captt1in Humphrey Fleming, CorAm,1!1der ,¡ tlJt Datchel.our Pin/:. Decem:.