An account of several late voyages and discoveries
~Ji Sir John Narbrough's P"oydge Given undermy Hand on board h1~ Majcílv 1 s Ship thc Sweep/laker, riding at the taand ofSa~nt J11go, i~ Port l'ray• Road,. 11,vem/Jer 5. 1 669. John N11rbrough. "/'o C1rptain Humphry Fleming, CommanJer of tht Batchelour-l>ink, Thefe. ---------------- f11/lrullions for tlJe letter ft,ulin,fl, each other ,~fter · feparation iy Chance,foul Wt:ather ,or otherwrje. Y OU are hereby requircd to Sail with h:s MajrHie$ hired Ship the Batche/011r , under your comma.nd , and to keep company with his Majeíl:ics Shipthe Siver.p/lakes, along che Coaíl of .Americ.1,tq the Soutbward of R#o de lá f.lata ,tQPort St. J11lia11 _qn th~c Co.aíl:; which lies in about 49 d. 2.0~· South L?ii~de, which your Draughts J11enti~O. · lQ c:ife oí f('parntion a~ Se~ io this Voyage from · cach ot~er, y~u are to ufe alJ 1~e:ms r.o cndcavour to meet ag~in, that is to fa y, 6y lookmg well abroad a~ Sea~· aod fo t~ obfcrve the Ordcr in your failing Inílrudi9~s, tp ~now each othcr at íiglit: thc ricxt Poíl 9f Reridc~vouz wiU be at Port St. J11lia11,~ wliiclJ is o~ thf coafi of America, ns is faid before; Yo~ are to make ali the hafi that you can thither, and to ílay for the Stveepf/akes there two whole Months, if you get th!thcr bcfore her, and íhc fllalJ do the like lor . . . you;
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