An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to the StreightJ of Magellan; 1 1 ro\\:cr and Wealch of the Prince and Mation to w hom you belong, :md that you are fent on pur– pofe t~ fet on foot a t[rade, and_ to make Fcicnd– fhi p with them; but aboveall, for the Honourof oui: Prince and Nation, you are to cake care, that. your Men do not by any rude n~haviour or In– Í,iries to tllcm, crcate an Averfion in them to thc 'E11zJifo Nation; but that on the other fide they endeavour to gain thcir Love by kind and civil Ufagc toward ti 1em, and ~· hofoever füall aét other– \\'iÍC~ yo'.l are ro correé!· him or them for fo doing, \\h1ch you are to acquaint your Men with, that tht) be not ignorant. You are to be careful of your l'roviíi~>ns and Liquor, ar.d to husband it to ihe Lefl a<lvant~ge, that therc be oo wafi:ful Ex– pence llladc of it, nor of your Ships Furniture, as Sails, Anchors, Cablcs,.and Rigging, f§c. and that ;yoll endeavour at ail places where you come, to get Provifions,Wood and frefh Water, fo as you do not endanger your Ship and Men, which you are to be very careful ot, and in no caute to expofe any one of your Men to the hazard· of bis Life, but always be careful that thcy'be well guarded, and be watchful , for therc have becn many cut off by their own neglett. You are to be careful to kcep a good Comm:md aboard ovcr your Men, am~ in cafe any mutinous praérice happet1 under your Command, you are forthwith to makc ic known to me. You are to be carcful to havc your Ship kcpt fivect and clean for the pre– ervltion of your Men's healths : AndGod prof. ~ U$, . Givc"
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