An account of several late voyages and discoveries
11 The lntrodutbon. Firft of fome Difaoveries ami 1VavigAtio,,s to. w4rd1theSouthern Parts ofthe G/obe,South-Wcfi ,ind South-Eafi. A, D. , 519. Ferdinand Magalhanes, 11 Por. tuguefc GemJem,m, uponfome difg,~f} taken Al lni Majier J(ing Emanucl,i1pplied hrmjeif to the c~,m of_ Cafük, .offeri»g to ,n,ke great DfcoveritJ .~: the rich Sp1<.:e-Iflands by the U'ejl, .tnd to J.11! ro,md the Glol,e. He f,1~1Jifh'd with .five SIJ1fi and ~ 50 i'\,le,,, h.J the Con,m111Jd. of Cha I lc~ V. 1heJ departed Jrom Scvil Auguft I o, 151 9. ª"'1 Ajier h,wing i» '1.Jttin atlempted lo pafl thro ~J tht great River of PJatc, ~11d h,wmg ,vinter'd i,1 f ort St. J ulian, the)' found o,a a Streig ht /eatl.1ng into the South SeA, cal/ d a(terivards bJ the Dij,o, vtrer)s /Vame, the MagcJlan Strcight; t!mJ11gl which they were the pr/1 th,t p.,fld jrom the Atlan. tick i11to th1 Padfíck Ocean, and fo rouná 1h, Glohe home again hy the Molucco's 11nd Cape ol Good Hope, having /pmt «bove thrce 1ears ir. thu CirtumnAvig,ition. At the EntrAme into tlu Streight theJ found on the Shore "'""} Sep11/chru or Gra-:Jes, whither the I11habit11nts re/orted in Sum, mer to bury their Deaá; as al/o,. great J,J/~4ft thrown u¡, and m411J Bones. A. D. 1525. Garcia de Loayfa a Spani, ard, mte,~d into Magcllcn's Strcight, ,nd ga1Je NJmes to ftverAI P/11,es; as áid 11/jo Simon de Alcazova ~n the Tear J S34• Ajierwará.s the Bijh1i¡ of Placen~1a fttted out J Ships in the Jear 1 539, one ofwh~,h f/' tJ:ro11gh the Streit,.hts of Magcl, lan to Anl:a m Pcru. A.D.
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