An account of several late voyages and discoveries
Jo Sir J ohn N:arqrough' s Poyage The deíign of this Voyage on which you :irc employcd, µeing to m1kc a Di(cov~rv ~oth of the Seas and Coafls of that .part <?f the \V~rl~, and if poílible to lay the Foundation ~f ~ Tri.ele thcre. You are not to meddlc with the Coafi: Qf America, nor fend on íl19rc, unkfs in cafe oí' great necctli. ty, till you get to the Southward ·of Rio Je la Plata; and you are not to do any injury to fuch Spaniards as you Ihall mcct with, nor meddle witb :rny place whcrc. thcy are p1anted : You are to take Ocforvations with as much Accuracy as you can,and alfo to caufe ,your Mate and Company to do th e likc, to obferve all Headlr.nds, Iílands, ta.ys, Havcns, Roads, l\1ouths of Rivcrs, Rocks, Sh oals I Soundings, Courfos of Tides, flowings and fr:ttings of Currents, w here you come, both in thc North and South Seas, &c. and caufe Draughts anJ Deiigns to be madc of them; and alfo you ~re to t:ikc notice or all Tradc Winds, &,. you mcct with. :ind of che \Veathcr, and cfpecially to oufenre Ha.rbo~rs in the Streights of MngeDaH; You are in ali places where you Land, to obfcn•c thc n~ture of the Soil, and what Fruits, Woods, Grain, FO\,vls, :ind Oeaíl:s it produces, and what Stoncs a,,d Minerals, and what Fi(h the Rivers and the Sea doth abound with; You are to do your utmoa to procure of the Minerals tQ carry to E11g. i~nd, and to dcliver them to Hi5 :R;oyaf High. nefs\ Sccretary. You are alfo to marl~ die Tcm. pcr and T nclinations of thc India» Jnhabitanrs, an4 where you can gain any Correfpondcncc with them, you ar~ to makc thcm íen{iblc of the gre:¡t Powcr
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