An account of several late voyages and discoveries

~~- ~he Streig~ts of ~agellan~· ·9 Jnftruétions fo~ Mr. R:umphr.e1 Flemíng, Com.. mander of his Majeíl:y's hired Pink the B.atche– loNr; ~y ve~~uc of an Ord~r from His' &yal Highneft, dated the twenty mnth day ~f .A11g•JI. 16 !S9. to me dir~éted.· ·· · · · . ~ ' . Y O U arehereby rcquired te;> fail with hi$ Ma– jeíl:ies hired Pinkthe Bat,ht/011r, whic~ yo~ are Commander of, and to keep Company 'with bis Maje.fries Ship the Swetp/la.kes to th,e Coaft of America to the Southward of RifJ de la Plata, and :iJong the Coaft of America to the Southward, till you come to the Sueights of Magellan, lying in about . 53 Degrees of South Latitude; through which you are to país into thc S0utf1.Sca, and fail :ilong the Weíl:Coaft of America Northerly, till you come as highas Baldavia, which líes in about 40 Degrees of South-lat. therc you fü:ill receive further Orders from me, or in my abfcncc, from the Commander in Chief 0 1 board his Majefiies Ship the Sweepfla'J:es, in cafe you kecp Company withher, whofeCompany you are not to depart fromor leav~upon any occafion whatfoever,as you will anfwer thecontrary at your peril, unlcfs you havc Order-from me fo to do, or in my abfence from the Co¡\imander in Chief on board her ;You are alfo to un~erfland, that you are to be emplora, ed by me as I füall fee occafton to employ you, co difcover Lands,·.Da.ys, Havcns,Rivers or Streights, &,. The