An account of several late voyages and discoveries
2 11. A St4pplement to 1t'-was firfr difcovcred to us bv Nico!.u, ancl Antonio Z1ni, t\VO Veneti.m Gcntlcmcn, that wcre hcrc lh_ípwrack d. Thcy dcfcribc the lnhabitants to be good Chriil:ians, vcry civil, and to be govcrn><l by a grcat Lord whofe Namc was ZJ,hntaJ, whofc mighry Conqucfh, and ilrange Accidents may be rcad in Hacl:ltut. lt is not our bufim:fs to writc or rcpeat Romances. Thofe Ñkn whom our Sc:i.mcn, (toudüng there accidcn– tally) faw, were like in all things to thc Gronel4ndcr.r, both in Features of .Body, and manner of l~iving, as much as thcy could judge; fo likc, that m¡¡ny of thcm thought it continued to Gronel.ind; in which Opinion alfo they werc confirmed by the multitudes of the Hlands ofke whid1 coming trom the North, argued Land to be that Wa y ; for ma.– ny of our Marinen hold, that falt Water doth not frceze, but that ali thc ke-they find in the Sea comes from the Bays, and Mouths ot fre{h \iVater Rivcrs ; for the lec it folf is fweet and fre{q, bcing di.ffolvcd, and ft:rvcs for all purpofos, as well as Spring or Rivcr Water. Befides the falt Sea ( they fay) is always in motion, and fo cannot frecze. But the D11tcb, who winter'd in Nova :(fmbla, took Notice, that thc falc Water fi:eez'd, and that two Inches thick in one Night. Ther~
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