An account of several late voyages and discoveries
tlJe Nortb-Eafl Yoyagts. i 11 to thcir Houfes; thefe are thiny and forry foot long, and have fometimes ten, ancl fomctime more feats for Rowers.- Cardinal Bemb,u (in bis Venetian Hiftorv) faith, that in his time onc of thefc, with ·reven Perfons in it, was by a Storm caft upon the Coaft of Britany. I know not whethet· it be worth mcntioning that they have Kettles and Pans made ot Stone, (fome fay of Load– ftone) that endures the Fire wonderfully:, but not having Tools fit to hollow them fut:. ficiently, they make up the Edges of Whale– bone. F (]{ E ES L A~ 'D, or F2{ IS EL A :J\(_ ']). L lcth in 60 deg. more Wclterly than any Part of E~trope; di{br~t fr~m lfal,ind Leagucs. It 1s rcp~rted 1n b1gne[s noc to be much lcffcr than li,;1"luul; a ragge::d ancl high Land, thc Mounfai~s ~ovcr'd with Snow, and the Co:ill fo full or dnft Ice, that it is almoft inacccffibk. It
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